Changeset 4267

Sun Jan 1 16:19:53 2006

fixed ticket:1603 - 'filtering subscribers by active subscription return multiplicities' and ticket:1612 - 'Show "reset search form" link in users screen'



  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
    4 5 regGS("User may change article attachments", "");  
    5 6 regGS("User may add article attachments", "");  
    6   regGS("User management", "إدارة المستخدم");  
    7   regGS("Set", "مجموعة");  
    8   regGS("Update", "تحديث");  
    9   regGS("Rights", "حقوق");  
    10   regGS("IP Access", "الدخول إلى بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    11   regGS("User Name", "إسم المستخدم");  
      7 regGS("Staff management", "");  
      8 regGS("Subscriber management", "");  
      9 regGS("Account Name", "");  
    12 10 regGS("Full Name", "الإسم الكامل");  
    13   regGS("Staff", "موظف");  
    14 11 regGS("Delete user $1", " $1 إلغاء المستخدم");  
      12 regGS("User list is empty.", "");  
    15 13 regGS("You do not have the right to create user accounts.", "لا يحق لك وضع اشتراكات للمستخدم");  
    16 14 regGS("Title", "الوظيفة");  
    42 40 regGS("Media", "إعلام");  
    43 41 regGS("Position", "مركز الوظيفة");  
    44   regGS("Adding new user account", "إضافة اشتراك لمستخدم جديد");  
      42 regGS("Show more user details", "");  
      43 regGS("Hide user details", "");  
    45 44 regGS("You must select a $1", "  $1عليك الاختيار ");  
    46 45 regGS("The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.", "يجب أن تتألف كلمة السر من 6 أحرف على الأقل. كما يجب أن تكون كلمتا السر متشابهتين");  
      46 regGS("The user account could not be created.", "لا يمكن وضع اشتراك للمستخدم");  
      47 regGS("User account $1 was created successfully.", "");  
      48 regGS("Click here to change password", "");  
      49 regGS("Old Password", "");  
      50 regGS("You do not have the right to change user account permissions.", "لا يحق لك تغيير الاذن لاشتراك المستخدم");  
      51 regGS("Permissions for $1 changed", " $1 تغيير السماح ل ");  
      52 regGS("You do not have the right to change user account information.", "لا يحق لك تغيير معلومات اشتراك المستخدم");  
      53 regGS("Click here to customize user permissions", "");  
      54 regGS("Click here to use existing user type permissions (discard customization)", "");  
      55 regGS("Click here to leave password unchanged", "");  
      56 regGS("User account information changed for $1", "معلومات اشتراك المستخدم ل  $1");  
      57 regGS("The password you typed is incorrect.", "كلمة السر التي طبعتها غير صحيحة");  
      58 regGS("You do not have the right to delete user accounts.", "لا يحق لك إلغاء اشتراكات المستخدم");  
      59 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user account $1 ?", " هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء اشتراك المستخدم  $1 ؟");  
      60 regGS("User account $1 was deleted successfully.", "");  
      61 regGS("User IP access list management", "إدارة قائمة دخول المستخدم إلى بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
      62 regGS("No records.", "لا بيانات");  
      63 regGS("Start IP", "ابدأ بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
      64 regGS("Number of addresses", "عدد العناوين");  
      65 regGS("The IP Group $1 has been created.", "وضع مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت  $1");  
      66 regGS("There was an error creating the IP address group.", "");  
      67 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the IP Group $1?", " هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت  $1؟");  
      68 regGS("The IP address group $1 has been deleted.", "تم الغاء مجموعة عنوان بروتوكول الإنترنت  $1");  
      69 regGS("User '$1' information was changed successfully.", "");  
      70 regGS("IP address", "");  
      71 regGS("fill in from left to right at least one input box", "");  
      72 regGS("User Type", "");  
      73 regGS("You must input a valid EMail address.", "");  
      74 regGS("The confirm password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.", "");  
      75 regGS("You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address' $1 field.", "");  
      76 regGS("Delete subscriptions to $1", "");  
      77 regGS("Change user account information", "غيّر معلومات اشتراك المستخدم");  
      78 regGS("The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.", "");  
      79 regGS("Creation Date", "");  
      80 regGS("User management", "إدارة المستخدم");  
      81 regGS("Set", "مجموعة");  
      82 regGS("Update", "تحديث");  
      83 regGS("Rights", "حقوق");  
      84 regGS("IP Access", "الدخول إلى بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
      85 regGS("User Name", "إسم المستخدم");  
      86 regGS("Staff", "موظف");  
      87 regGS("Adding new user account", "إضافة اشتراك لمستخدم جديد");  
    47 88 regGS("You must select an user type.", "يجب إختيار نوع المستخدم");  
    48 89 regGS("The user account $1 has been created.", "  $1 تم وضع اشتراك للمستخدم");  
    49   regGS("The user account could not be created.", "لا يمكن وضع اشتراك للمستخدم");  
    50 90 regGS("Please check if an account with the same user name does not already exist.", "الرجاء التأكد من أن اشتراكاّ باسم هذا المستخدم غير موجود مسبقاً");  
    51 91 regGS("Change password", "تغيير كلمة سرّ المستخدم");  
    57 97 regGS("User may add/change country entries", "يمكن للمستخدم إضافة بيانات البلدان أم تغييرها");  
    58 98 regGS("Edit user account permissions", "السماح لاشتراك المستخدم");  
    59   regGS("You do not have the right to change user account permissions.", "لا يحق لك تغيير الاذن لاشتراك المستخدم");  
    60 99 regGS("This user account does not have permissions information.", "ليس لدى اشتراك المستخدم المعلومات الاذن ");  
    61 100 regGS("Updating user account permissions", "تحديث الاذن لاشتراك المستخدم");  
    62   regGS("Permissions for $1 changed", " $1 تغيير السماح ل ");  
    63 101 regGS("User account permissions have been successfuly updated.", "لقد تم تحديث الاذن لاشتراك المستخدم ");  
    64 102 regGS("User account permissions could not be updated.", "لا يمكن تغيير الاذن لاشتراك المستخدم");  
    65   regGS("Change user account information", "غيّر معلومات اشتراك المستخدم");  
    66   regGS("You do not have the right to change user account information.", "لا يحق لك تغيير معلومات اشتراك المستخدم");  
    67 103 regGS("Changing user account information", "تغيير معلومات اشتراك المستخدم");  
    68 104 regGS("User account information has been changed.", "تم تغيير معلومات اشتراك المستخدم");  
    69 105 regGS("User account information could not be changed.", "لا يمكن تغيير معلومات اشتراك المستخدم");  
    70   regGS("User account information changed for $1", "معلومات اشتراك المستخدم ل  $1");  
    71 106 regGS("Old password", "كلمة السر القديمة");  
    72 107 regGS("New password", "كلمة السر الجديدة");  
    73 108 regGS("Confirm new password", "تأكيد كلمة السر الجديدة");  
    74 109 regGS("Changing your password", "تغيير كلمة السر الخاصة بك");  
    75   regGS("The password you typed is incorrect.", "كلمة السر التي طبعتها غير صحيحة");  
    76 110 regGS("User $1 changed his password", "بدّل المستخدم 1$ كلمة السر الخاصة به");  
    77 111 regGS("Delete user account", "الغاء اشتراك المستخدم");  
    78   regGS("You do not have the right to delete user accounts.", "لا يحق لك إلغاء اشتراكات المستخدم");  
    79   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user account $1 ?", " هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء اشتراك المستخدم  $1 ؟");  
    80 112 regGS("Deleting user account", "الغاء اشتراك المستخدم");  
    81 113 regGS("The user account $1 could not be deleted.", "لا يمكن إلغاء اشتراك المستخدم  $1");  
    82 114 regGS("No such user.", "هذا المستخدم غير موجود");  
    83   regGS("User IP access list management", "إدارة قائمة دخول المستخدم إلى بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    84   regGS("No records.", "لا بيانات");  
    85 115 regGS("Delete IP Group $1", "الغاء مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت  $1");  
    86   regGS("Start IP", "ابدأ بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    87   regGS("Number of addresses", "عدد العناوين");  
    88 116 regGS("IP Access List", "قائمة الدخول إلى بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    89 117 regGS("Adding new IP Group", "إضافة مجموعة جديدة من بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    90   regGS("The IP Group $1 has been created.", "وضع مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت  $1");  
    91 118 regGS("The IP Group could not be created.", "لا يمكن وضع مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت ");  
    92 119 regGS("Please check if an account with the same IP Group does not already exist.", " الرجاء التأكد من عدم وجود اشتراك يتضمن مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت نفسها");  
    93 120 regGS("Delete IP Group", " إلغ مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    94 121 regGS("You do not have the right to delete IP Groups.", "لا يحق لك إلغاء مجموعات بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    95   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the IP Group $1?", " هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت  $1؟");  
    96 122 regGS("No such IP Group.", "ليس هناك مجموعة مماثلة من بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    97 123 regGS("Deleting IP Group", " الغاء مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    98   regGS("The IP address group $1 has been deleted.", "تم الغاء مجموعة عنوان بروتوكول الإنترنت  $1");  
    99 124 regGS("The IP Group could not be deleted.", "لا يمكن إلغاء مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
    100 125 regGS("No IP Group.", "لا يوجد مجموعة بروتوكول الإنترنت");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "Reset search form");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "User may delete article attachments");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/users.php

    r4204 r4267  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Reset search form", "");  
    2 3 regGS("That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.", "");  
    3 4 regGS("User may delete article attachments", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/localizer/LocalizerFileFormat.php

    r4054 r4267  
    86 86         // write data to file         
    87 87         if (PEAR::isError(File::write($filePath, $data, FILE_MODE_WRITE))) {  
    88               echo "<br>error writing file<br>";  
      88 //          echo "<br>error writing file<br>";  
    88 88             return FALSE;  
    89 89         }  
    224 224         // write data to file         
    225 225         if (PEAR::isError(File::write($filePath, $xml, FILE_MODE_WRITE))) {  
    226               echo "<br>error writing file<br>";  
      226 //          echo "<br>error writing file<br>";  
    226 226             return FALSE;  
    227 227         }         
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/users/users_common.php

    r4219 r4267  
    23 23 }  
    24 24  
      25 $defaultUserSearchParameters = array('full_name'=>'', 'user_name'=>'', 'email'=>'',  
      26     'subscription_how'=>'expires', 'subscription_when'=>'before', 'subscription_date'=>'',  
      27     'subscription_status'=>'', 'startIP1'=>'', 'startIP2'=>'', 'startIP3'=>'', 'startIP4'=>'');  
      28 $userSearchParameters = array('full_name'=>'', 'user_name'=>'', 'email'=>'',  
      29     'subscription_how'=>'expires', 'subscription_when'=>'before', 'subscription_date'=>'',  
      30     'subscription_status'=>'', 'startIP1'=>'', 'startIP2'=>'', 'startIP3'=>'', 'startIP4'=>'');  
    25 32 function read_user_common_parameters()  
    26 33 {  
    27       global $uType, $userOffs, $lpp, $full_name, $user_name, $email, $subscription_how;  
    28       global $subscription_when, $subscription_date, $subscription_status, $res, $resMsg;  
    29       global $startIP1, $startIP2, $startIP3, $startIP4;  
      34     global $uType, $userOffs, $lpp, $res, $resMsg;  
      35     global $defaultUserSearchParameters, $userSearchParameters;  
    30 36  
    31 37     $uType = Input::Get('uType', 'string', '');  
    35 41     }  
    36 42     $lpp = Input::Get('lpp', 'int', 10);  
    37       $full_name = camp_session_get('full_name', '');  
    38       $user_name = camp_session_get('user_name', '');  
    39       $email = camp_session_get('email', '');  
    40       if ($uType == "Subscribers") {  
    41           $subscription_how = camp_session_get('subscription_how', '');  
    42           $subscription_when = camp_session_get('subscription_when', '');  
    43           $subscription_date = camp_session_get('subscription_date', '');  
    44           $subscription_status = camp_session_get('subscription_status', '');  
      43     foreach ($userSearchParameters as $parameter=>$defaultValue) {  
      44         $userSearchParameters[$parameter] =  
      45             camp_session_get($parameter, $defaultUserSearchParameters[$parameter]);  
    45 46     }  
    46 47     $res = Input::Get('res', 'string', 'OK');  
    47 48     $resMsg = Input::Get('resMsg', 'string', '');  
    48       $startIP1 = camp_session_get('StartIP1', 0);  
    49       $startIP2 = camp_session_get('StartIP2', 0);  
    50       $startIP3 = camp_session_get('StartIP3', 0);  
    51       $startIP4 = camp_session_get('StartIP4', 0);  
      49 }  
      51 function user_search_is_set()  
      52 {  
      53     global $defaultUserSearchParameters, $userSearchParameters;  
      55     foreach ($userSearchParameters as $parameter=>$defaultValue) {  
      56         if ($userSearchParameters[$parameter] != $defaultUserSearchParameters[$parameter]) {  
      57             return true;  
      58         }  
      59     }  
      60     return false;  
      61 }  
      63 function reset_user_search_parameters()  
      64 {  
      65     global $userSearchParameters, $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION;  
      67     foreach ($userSearchParameters as $parameter=>$defaultValue) {  
      68         if (isset($_REQUEST[$parameter])) {  
      69             unset($_REQUEST[$parameter]);  
      70         }  
      71         if (isset($_GET[$parameter])) {  
      72             unset($_GET[$parameter]);  
      73         }  
      74         if (isset($_POST[$parameter])) {  
      75             unset($_POST[$parameter]);  
      76         }  
      77         if (isset($_SESSION[$parameter])) {  
      78             unset($_SESSION[$parameter]);  
      79         }  
      80     }  
    52 81 }  
    53 82  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/users/index.php

    r4181 r4267  
    6 6 list($access, $User) = check_basic_access($_REQUEST);  
    7 7  
      8 if (Input::Get('reset_search', 'string', 'false', true) == 'true') {  
      9     reset_user_search_parameters();  
      10 }  
    8 11 read_user_common_parameters(); // $uType, $userOffs, $lpp, search parameters  
    9 12 verify_user_type();  
    49 52     $addLink = "edit.php?" . get_user_urlparams(0, true, true);  
    50 53 ?>  
    51       <td><a href="<?php echo $addLink; ?>">  
      54     <td style="padding-left: 20px;" valign="bottom">  
      55         <a href="<?php echo $addLink; ?>">  
    52 56         <img src="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/add.png" border="0">  
    53 57 <?php  
    59 63 }  
    60 64 ?>  
      65     </td>  
      66 <?php if (user_search_is_set()) { ?>  
      67     <td style="padding-left: 20px;" valign="bottom">  
      68         <a href="?reset_search=true<?php echo get_user_urlparams(0, false, true); ?>">  
      69         <img src="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/clear.png" border="0">  
      70         <b><?php putGS("Reset search form"); ?></b>  
      71         </a>  
      72     </td>  
      73 <?php } ?>  
    61 74 </tr>  
    62 75 </table>  
    68 81 <tr>  
    69 82     <td style="padding-left: 10px;"><?php putGS("Full Name"); ?></td>  
    70       <td><input type="text" name="full_name" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($full_name)); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 150px;"></td>  
      83     <td><input type="text" name="full_name" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($userSearchParameters['full_name'])); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 150px;"></td>  
    70 83     <td><?php putGS("Account Name"); ?></td>  
    71       <td><input type="text" name="user_name" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($user_name)); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 70px;"></td>  
      84     <td><input type="text" name="user_name" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($userSearchParameters['user_name'])); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 70px;"></td>  
    71 84     <td><?php putGS("E-Mail"); ?></td>  
    72       <td><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($email)); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 150px;"></td>  
      85     <td><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($userSearchParameters['email'])); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 150px;"></td>  
    72 85     <td><input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="<?php putGS("Search"); ?>" class="button"></td>  
    73 86 </tr>  
    81 94         <select name="subscription_how" class="input_select" style="width: 100px;">  
    82 95         <?php  
    83           camp_html_select_option("expires", $subscription_how, getGS("expires"));  
    84           camp_html_select_option("starts", $subscription_how, getGS("starts"));  
      96         camp_html_select_option("expires", $userSearchParameters['subscription_how'], getGS("expires"));  
      97         camp_html_select_option("starts", $userSearchParameters['subscription_how'], getGS("starts"));  
    85 98         ?>  
    86 99         </select>  
    87 100         <select name="subscription_when" class="input_select" style="width: 100px;">  
    88 101         <?PHP  
    89           camp_html_select_option("before", $subscription_when, getGS("before"));  
    90           camp_html_select_option("after", $subscription_when, getGS("after"));  
    91           camp_html_select_option("on", $subscription_when, getGS("on"));  
      102         camp_html_select_option("before", $userSearchParameters['subscription_when'], getGS("before"));  
      103         camp_html_select_option("after", $userSearchParameters['subscription_when'], getGS("after"));  
      104         camp_html_select_option("on", $userSearchParameters['subscription_when'], getGS("on"));  
    92 105         ?>  
    93 106         </select>  
    94           <input type="text" name="subscription_date" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($subscription_date)); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 100px;">  
      107         <input type="text" name="subscription_date" value="<?php p(htmlspecialchars($userSearchParameters['subscription_date'])); ?>" class="input_text" style="width: 100px;">  
    94 107          <?php putGS('(yyyy-mm-dd)'); ?>    
    95 108         <?php putGS("status"); ?>:  
    98 111         <option value=""></option>  
    99 112         <?PHP  
    100           camp_html_select_option("active", $subscription_status, getGS("active"));  
    101           camp_html_select_option("inactive", $subscription_status, getGS("inactive"));  
      113         camp_html_select_option("active", $userSearchParameters['subscription_status'], getGS("active"));  
      114         camp_html_select_option("inactive", $userSearchParameters['subscription_status'], getGS("inactive"));  
    102 115         ?>  
    103 116         </select>  
    107 120     <td colspan="11" align="center">  
    108 121         <?php putGS("IP address"); ?>:  
    109           <input type="text" class="input_text" name="StartIP1" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($startIP1 != 0) echo $startIP1; ?>">.  
    110           <input type="text" class="input_text" name="StartIP2" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($startIP2 != 0) echo $startIP2; ?>">.  
    111           <input type="text" class="input_text" name="StartIP3" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($startIP3 != 0) echo $startIP3; ?>">.  
    112           <input type="text" class="input_text" name="StartIP4" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($startIP4 != 0) echo $startIP4; ?>">  
      122         <input type="text" class="input_text" name="startIP1" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($userSearchParameters['startIP1'] != 0) echo $userSearchParameters['startIP1']; ?>">.  
      123         <input type="text" class="input_text" name="startIP2" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($userSearchParameters['startIP2'] != 0) echo $userSearchParameters['startIP2']; ?>">.  
      124         <input type="text" class="input_text" name="startIP3" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($userSearchParameters['startIP3'] != 0) echo $userSearchParameters['startIP3']; ?>">.  
      125         <input type="text" class="input_text" name="startIP4" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php if ($userSearchParameters['startIP4'] != 0) echo $userSearchParameters['startIP4']; ?>">  
    113 126         (<?php putGS("fill in from left to right at least one input box"); ?>)  
    114 127     </td>  
    115 128 </tr>  
    116   <?php } ?>  
      129 <?php } // if ($uType == "Subscribers") ?>  
    116 129 </form>  
    117 130 </table>  
    133 146  
    134 147 <?php  
    135   $sqlBase = "SELECT u.* FROM Users AS u";  
      148 $sqlBase = "SELECT DISTINCT u.* FROM Users AS u";  
    135 148 $sql = '';  
    136   if ($startIP1 != 0) {  
      149 if ($userSearchParameters['startIP1'] != 0) {  
    136 149     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN SubsByIP AS sip ON u.Id = sip.IdUser";  
    137 150 }  
    138   if ($subscription_date != "" || $subscription_status != "") {  
      151 if ($userSearchParameters['subscription_date'] != ""  
      152     || $userSearchParameters['subscription_status'] != "") {  
    139 153     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN Subscriptions AS s ON u.Id = s.IdUser";  
    140       if ($subscription_date != "") {  
      154     if ($userSearchParameters['subscription_date'] != "") {  
    140 154         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN SubsSections AS ss ON s.Id = ss.IdSubscription";  
    141 155     }  
    142 156 }  
    143 157 $sql .= " WHERE u.Reader = '$isReader'";  
    144   if ($full_name != '') {  
    145       $sql .= " AND Name like '%" . mysql_escape_string($full_name) . "%'";  
      158 if ($userSearchParameters['full_name'] != '') {  
      159     $sql .= " AND Name like '%" . mysql_escape_string($userSearchParameters['full_name']) . "%'";  
    146 160 }  
    147   if ($user_name != '') {  
    148       $sql .= " AND UName like '%" . mysql_escape_string($user_name) . "%'";  
      161 if ($userSearchParameters['user_name'] != '') {  
      162     $sql .= " AND UName like '%" . mysql_escape_string($userSearchParameters['user_name']) . "%'";  
    149 163 }  
    150   if ($email != '') {  
    151       $sql .= " AND EMail like '%" . mysql_escape_string($email) . "%'";  
      164 if ($userSearchParameters['email'] != '') {  
      165     $sql .= " AND EMail like '%" . mysql_escape_string($userSearchParameters['email']) . "%'";  
    152 166 }  
    153   if ($subscription_date != '') {  
    154       $ss_field = "TO_DAYS(ss.StartDate) - TO_DAYS('$subscription_date')";  
    155       if ($subscription_how == 'expires') {  
    156           $ss_field .= " + Days";  
      167 if ($userSearchParameters['subscription_date'] != '') {  
      168     $ss_field = "TO_DAYS(ss.StartDate) - TO_DAYS('".$userSearchParameters['subscription_date']."')";  
      169     if ($userSearchParameters['subscription_how'] == 'expires') {  
      170         $ss_field .= " + CAST(Days AS SIGNED)";  
    157 171     }  
    158       switch ($subscription_when) {  
      172     switch ($userSearchParameters['subscription_when']) {  
    158 172         case 'before': $comp_sign = "<="; break;  
    159 173         case 'after': $comp_sign = ">="; break;  
    166 180     $sql .= " AND ($ss_field) $comp_sign 0";  
    167 181 }  
    168   if ($subscription_status != "") {  
    169       $sql .= " AND s.Active = '" . ($subscription_status == 'active' ? 'Y' : 'N') . "'";  
      182 if ($userSearchParameters['subscription_status'] != "") {  
      183     $sql .= " AND s.Active = '" . ($userSearchParameters['subscription_status'] == 'active' ? 'Y' : 'N') . "'";  
    170 184 }  
    171   if ($startIP1 != 0) {  
    172       $minIP = $startIP1 * 256 * 256 * 256 + $startIP2 * 256 * 256 + $startIP3 * 256 + $startIP4;  
    173       $maxIP2 = $startIP2 != 0 ? $startIP2 : 255;  
    174       $maxIP3 = $startIP3 != 0 ? $startIP3 : 255;  
    175       $maxIP4 = $startIP4 != 0 ? $startIP4 : 255;  
    176       $maxIP = $startIP1 * 256 * 256 * 256 + $maxIP2 * 256 * 256 + $maxIP3 * 256 + $maxIP4;  
      185 if ($userSearchParameters['startIP1'] != 0) {  
      186     $minIP = $userSearchParameters['startIP1'] * 256 * 256 * 256  
      187         + $userSearchParameters['startIP2'] * 256 * 256  
      188         + $userSearchParameters['startIP3'] * 256  
      189         + $userSearchParameters['startIP4'];  
      190     $maxIP2 = $userSearchParameters['startIP2'] != 0 ? $userSearchParameters['startIP2'] : 255;  
      191     $maxIP3 = $userSearchParameters['startIP3'] != 0 ? $userSearchParameters['startIP3'] : 255;  
      192     $maxIP4 = $userSearchParameters['startIP4'] != 0 ? $userSearchParameters['startIP4'] : 255;  
      193     $maxIP = $userSearchParameters['startIP1'] * 256 * 256 * 256 + $maxIP2 * 256 * 256 + $maxIP3 * 256 + $maxIP4;  
    177 194     $sql .= " AND ((sip.StartIP >= $minIP AND sip.StartIP <= $maxIP)"  
    178 195          . " OR ((sip.StartIP - 1 + sip.Addresses) >= $minIP AND (sip.StartIP - 1 + sip.Addresses) <= $maxIP))";  
    179 196 }  
    180   if ($subscription_date != "") {  
      197 if ($userSearchParameters['subscription_date'] != "") {  
    180 197     $sql .= " GROUP BY s.Id";  
    181 198 }  
    250 267                 echo "</a>";  
    251 268             }  
    252               $old_user_name = $user_name;  
    253               $user_name = $row['UName'];  
    254 269         ?>  
    255 270         </td>  
    256           <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($user_name); ?></TD>  
    257   <?php  
    258       $user_name = $old_user_name;  
    259       $old_email = $email;  
    260       $email = $row['EMail'];  
    261   ?>  
    262           <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($email); ?></td>  
      271         <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['UName']); ?></TD>  
      272         <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['EMail']); ?></td>  
    264 273         <?php if ($uType == "Subscribers" && $User->hasPermission("ManageSubscriptions")) { ?>  
    265 274         <td><a href="<?php echo "/$ADMIN/users/subscriptions/?f_user_id=$userId"; ?>">  
    267 276         </td>  
    268 277         <?php } ?>  
    270 278         <td><?php if ($userType !== false) { echo $userType->getName(); } ?></td>  
    272 279         <td>  
    273 280             <?php  
    281 288         </td>  
    282 289 <?php  
    283       $email = $old_email;  
    284 290     if ($canDelete) { ?>  
    285 291         <td align="center">