Changeset 4293

Mon Jan 9 06:18:04 2006

hr translation



  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/articles.php

    r4160 r4293  
    18 18 regGS("Section URL Name", "");  
    19 19 regGS("Section Name", "");  
    20   regGS("Reorder", "");  
    21 20 regGS("Publish date", "");  
    22 21 regGS("Publish Schedule", "");  
    37 36 regGS("Creation date", "");  
    38 37 regGS("Created by", "");  
    39   regGS("Author", "");  
    40 38 regGS("Article name ($1)", "");  
    41 39 regGS("Article List", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/globals.php

    r4160 r4293  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Cuenta", "");  
      3 regGS("Items por página", "");  
      4 regGS("No puede crear el archivo $1\"", "");  
      5 regGS("URL \"$1\" is invalid or is not an image.", "");  
      6 regGS("URL \"$1\" is not an image.", "");  
      7 regGS("Add new", "");  
    2 8 regGS("CAMPSITE", "CAMPSITE");  
    3 9 regGS("Home", "Glavna");  
    4 10 regGS("Logout", "Izlaz");  
      11 regGS("You are logged in as $1", "");  
      12 regGS("More...", "");  
      13 regGS("Content", "");  
      14 regGS("Languages", "Jezici");  
      15 regGS("Countries", "Države");  
      16 regGS("Templates", "Predlošci");  
      17 regGS("Topics", "Teme");  
      18 regGS("Configure", "");  
      19 regGS("Image Archive", "");  
      20 regGS("Add Article", "");  
    5 21 regGS("Fields", "Polja");  
    6 22 regGS("Delete", "Briši");  
    8 24 regGS("Name", "Ime");  
    9 25 regGS("Keyword", "Ključna riječ");  
    10   regGS("Languages", "Jezici");  
    11 26 regGS("Native name", "Izvorno ime");  
    12 27 regGS("Code", "Kod");  
    13 28 regGS("Code page", "Kodna stranica");  
    14 29 regGS("Edit", "Uredi");  
    15   regGS("Countries", "Države");  
    16 30 regGS("Reader", "Čitalac");  
    17 31 regGS("Access", "Pristup");  
    20 34 regGS("Site", "<i>Site</i>");  
    21 35 regGS("Currency", "Valuta");  
    22   regGS("Templates", "Predlošci");  
    23   regGS("Topics", "Teme");  
    24 36 regGS("Path", "Putanja");  
    25 37 regGS("Go up", "Gore");  
      38 regGS("URL", "");  
      39 regGS("Order", "");  
      40 regGS("Hide", "");  
      41 regGS("Duplicate", "Napravi kopiju");  
      42 regGS("Insert Internal Link", "");  
      43 regGS("Subscription", "");  
      44 regGS("expires", "");  
      45 regGS("starts", "");  
      46 regGS("before", "");  
      47 regGS("after", "");  
      48 regGS("on", "");  
      49 regGS("status", "");  
      50 regGS("active", "");  
      51 regGS("inactive", "");  
      52 regGS("Subscribers", "");  
      53 regGS("Staff", "");  
      54 regGS("Select destination", "");  
      55 regGS("No languages", "Nema jezika");  
      56 regGS("---Select language---", "---Odaberi jezik---");  
      57 regGS("No publications", "Nema publikacija");  
      58 regGS("---Select publication---", "---Odaberi publikaciju---");  
      59 regGS("No issues", "Nema izdanja");  
      60 regGS("---Select issue---", "---Odaberi izdanje---");  
      61 regGS("No sections", "Nema rubrika");  
      62 regGS("---Select section---", "---Odaberi rubriku");  
      63 regGS("No articles", "Nema članaka");  
      64 regGS("---Select article---", "---Odaberi članak---");  
    26 65 regGS("Language", "Jezik");  
    27 66 regGS("Translation", "Prijevod");  
    28 67 regGS("Country", "Država");  
    29   regGS("User name", "Korisničko ime");  
      68 regGS("Account name", "");  
    29 68 regGS("Definition", "Definicija");  
    30 69 regGS("Publication", "Publikacija");  
    39 78 regGS("Keywords", "Ključne riječi");  
    40 79 regGS("Topic", "Tema");  
      80 regGS("URL Name", "");  
      81 regGS("Left to pay", "");  
      82 regGS("Active", "");  
      83 regGS("Paid", "");  
      84 regGS("Trial", "");  
    41 85 regGS("Next", "Naprijed");  
    42 86 regGS("Previous", "Nazad");  
    44 88 regGS("Details", "Detalji");  
    45 89 regGS("View", "Prikaz");  
      90 regGS("Scheduled Publishing", "");  
      91 regGS("Time", "");  
      92 regGS("Action", "");  
      93 regGS("Schedule a new action", "");  
      94 regGS("No entries.", "");  
      95 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "");  
      96 regGS("Delete scheduled publish action", "");  
      97 regGS("The $1 action has been scheduled on $2", "");  
      98 regGS("Date/Time", "");  
      99 regGS("You must select an action.", "");  
      100 regGS("There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2", "");  
      101 regGS("You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.", "");  
      102 regGS("The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
      103 regGS("Front page", "");  
      104 regGS("Section page", "");  
      105 regGS("Show on front page", "");  
      106 regGS("Remove from front page", "");  
      107 regGS("Show on section page", "");  
      108 regGS("Remove from section page", "");  
      109 regGS("Actions", "");  
      110 regGS("Publishing", "");  
      111 regGS("Show", "");  
      112 regGS("Remove", "");  
    46 113 regGS("days", "dani");  
    47 114 regGS("Article Types", "Vrste članaka");  
    48   regGS("User Types", "Vrste korisnika");  
      115 regGS("Staff User Types", "");  
    48 115 regGS("Publications", "Publikacije");  
    49 116 regGS("Issues", "Izdanja");  
    57 124 regGS("Add new topic", "Dodaj novu temu");  
    58 125 regGS("Delete topic", "Izbriši temu");  
      126 regGS("Edit languages", "");  
      127 regGS("Section Template", "");  
      128 regGS("Article Template", "");  
    59 129 regGS("Default Language", "Osnovni jezik");  
    60   regGS("Subscription Default Time", "Osnovna dužina pretplate");  
      130 regGS("Countries Subscription Default Time", "");  
    60 130 regGS("Pay Period", "Rok plaćanja");  
    61 131 regGS("Info", "Info");  
    65 135 regGS("Preview", "Pregledaj");  
    66 136 regGS("You must complete the $1 field.", "Morate ispuniti polje $1");  
    67   regGS("No such language.", "Nema tog jezika");  
    68   regGS("No such infotype.", "Nema tog <i>infotype</i>");  
    69   regGS("No such keyword.", "Nema te ključne riječi");  
      137 regGS("Error", "");  
      138 regGS("Invalid input: $1", "");  
      139 regGS("Language does not exist.", "");  
      140 regGS("Keyword does not exist.", "");  
    70 141 regGS("Publication does not exist.", "Nema te publikacije");  
    71   regGS("No such country.", "Nema te države");  
    72   regGS("No such issue.", "Nema tog izdanja");  
      142 regGS("Country does not exist.", "");  
      143 regGS("Issue does not exist.", "");  
    73 144 regGS("Topic does not exist.", "Nema te teme");  
    74 145 regGS("You must select a language.", "Morate izasbrati jezik");  
    75   regGS("No such section.", "Ta rubrika ne postoji");  
      146 regGS("Section does not exist.", "");  
    75 146 regGS("No articles.", "Nema članaka");  
      147 regGS("Article does not exist.", "");  
      148 regGS("Image does not exist.", "");  
    76 149 regGS("Access denied", "Zabranjen pristup");  
      150 regGS("There was an error reading the language parameter.", "");  
      151 regGS("There was an error reading the publication parameter.", "");  
      152 regGS("There was an error reading the issue parameter.", "");  
      153 regGS("There was an error reading request parameters.", "");  
      154 regGS("Invalid value of user type parameter", "");  
      155 regGS("Invalid article identifier", "");  
      156 regGS("Invalid destination section selected", "");  
      157 regGS("Internal error: identifiers not initialized", "");  
      158 regGS("Internal database error", "");  
      159 regGS("Invalid parameters received", "");  
    77 160 regGS("Add new article", "Dodaj novi članak");  
    78 161 regGS("Status", "Status");  
    99 182 regGS("Place", "Mjesto");  
    100 183 regGS("Date", "Datum");  
      184 regGS("Thumbnail", "");  
      185 regGS("In use", "");  
      186 regGS("Miscellaneous", "");  
      187 regGS("Identifier", "");  
      188 regGS("Additional searches", "");  
      189 regGS("Most Recently Added", "");  
      190 regGS("Most Recently Modified", "");  
      191 regGS("$1 images found", "");  
      192 regGS("Reset search conditions", "");  
      193 regGS("Preview issue", "");  
    101 194 regGS("Image number", "Br. slike");  
    102 195 regGS("Users", "Korisnici");  
    115 208 regGS("User may add templates", "Korisnik smije dodavati predloške");  
    116 209 regGS("User may delete templates", "Korisnik smije brisati predloške");  
    117   regGS("User may add/change user accounts and passwords", "Korisnik smije dodavati/mijenjati korisničke račune i lozinke");  
    118   regGS("User may delete user accounts", "Korisnik smije brisati korisničke račune");  
      210 regGS("User may add/change staff accounts and passwords", "");  
      211 regGS("User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords", "");  
      212 regGS("User may delete staff accounts", "");  
    119 213 regGS("User may manage user subscriptions", "Korisnik smije administrirati pretplatu");  
    120 214 regGS("User may manage account types", "Korisnik smije uređivati vrste korisničkih računa");  
    121 215 regGS("User may add/change article types", "Korisnik smije dodavati/mijenjati tipove članaka");  
    122 216 regGS("User may delete article types", "Korisnik smije brisati tipove članaka");  
      217 regGS("User may manage templates", "");  
      218 regGS("User may add/change country entries", "");  
    123 219 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Korisnik smije dodavati jezike i mijenjati relevantne informacije");  
    124 220 regGS("User may delete languages", "Korisnik smije brisati jezike");  
    131 227 regGS("User may publish articles", "Korisnik smije objavljivati članke");  
    132 228 regGS("User may manage topics", "Korisnik smije upravljati temama");  
      229 regGS("User may use bold", "");  
      230 regGS("User may use italic", "");  
      231 regGS("User may use underline", "");  
      232 regGS("User may use strikethrough", "");  
      233 regGS("User may change text alignment", "");  
      234 regGS("User may copy, cut, and paste", "");  
      235 regGS("User may undo/redo", "");  
      236 regGS("User may change text direction", "");  
      237 regGS("User may set indents", "");  
      238 regGS("User may add links", "");  
      239 regGS("User may add subheads", "");  
      240 regGS("User may insert images", "");  
      241 regGS("User may view the HTML source", "");  
      242 regGS("User may enlarge the editor", "");  
      243 regGS("User may change the font face", "");  
      244 regGS("User may change the font size", "");  
      245 regGS("User may create bulleted lists", "");  
      246 regGS("User may create numbered lists", "");  
      247 regGS("User may insert tables", "");  
      248 regGS("User may insert horizontal rules", "");  
      249 regGS("User may change the font color", "");  
      250 regGS("User may use superscripts", "");  
      251 regGS("User may use subscripts", "");  
      252 regGS("User may restart the template engine", "");  
      253 regGS("Administrative tasks", "");  
      254 regGS("Restart the template engine", "");  
      255 regGS("The template engine was (re)started.", "");  
      256 regGS("The template engine could not be restarted! Please verify if the template engine was started by other user than $1.", "");  
      257 regGS("An user type with the name '$1' already exists.", "");  
      258 regGS("Localizer", "");  
      259 regGS("Staff/Subscribers Management", "");  
      260 regGS("Editor Basic Settings", "");  
      261 regGS("Editor Advanced Font Settings", "");  
      262 regGS("Editor Table Settings", "");  
      263 regGS("Editor Miscellaneous Settings", "");  
      264 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "");  
    133 265 regGS("Adding new translation", "Dodavanje novog prijevoda");  
    134 266 regGS("No more languages.", "Nema više jezika");  
      267 regGS("The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.", "");  
    135 268 regGS("Add new publication", "Dodaj novu publikaciju");  
    136 269 regGS("Upload new template", "Osvježi novi predložak");  
    137   regGS("Add new user account", "Dodaj novog korisnika");  
      270 regGS("Add new staff member", "");  
      271 regGS("Add new subscriber", "");  
    138 272 regGS("Add new user type", "Dodaj novu vrstu korisnika");  
    139 273 regGS("Add new article type", "Dodaj novu vrstu članka");  
    147 281 regGS("Logs", "Logovi");  
    148 282 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Ostao-lo je još $1 članak-a");  
    149   regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "Ostalo-la je(su) još $1 izdanje-a");  
      283 regGS("There are $1 issues(s) left.", "");  
    149 283 regGS("There are $1 section(s) left.", "Ostala(o) je još $1 rubrika(e)");  
    150 284 regGS("There are $1 publication(s) left.", "Ostala(o) je još $1 publikacija(e) ");  
    151   regGS("There are $1 keyword(s) left.", "Ostalo je još $1 ključne riječi");  
      285 regGS("There are $1 keywords(s) left.", "");  
    151 285 regGS("There are $1 countries left.", "Ostala(le) je (su) još $1 zemlja(e)");  
    152   regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Ime<br><small>(kliknite za uređivanje)</small>");  
      286 regGS("Name <SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "");  
    152 286 regGS("User account", "Korisnički račun");  
    153 287 regGS("No such user account.", "Nema tog korisničkog računa");  
    166 300 regGS("Yes", "Da");  
    167 301 regGS("No", "Ne");  
      302 regGS("Close", "");  
    168 303 regGS("No issues.", "Nema izdanja.");  
      304 regGS("No subscriptions.", "");  
      305 regGS("Back to Edit Article", "");  
    169 306 regGS("Adding new topic", "Dodaj novu temu");  
    170 307 regGS("Topic $1 added", "Tema $1 je dodana");  
    183 320 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Ostalo je $1 članaka koji koriste temu.");  
    184 321 regGS("You must fill in the $1 field.", "Morate popuniti $1 polje");  
      322 regGS("You do not have the right to add articles.", "Nemate prava kreirati članak");  
    185 323 regGS("Start", "Početak");  
    186 324 regGS("Days", "Dani");  
    188 326 regGS("The sections were added successfully.", "Rubrika je uspješno dodana.");  
    189 327 regGS("The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !", "Rubrika ne može bit uspješno dodana.");  
    190   regGS("No languages", "Nema jezika");  
    191   regGS("---Select language---", "---Odaberi jezik---");  
    192   regGS("No publications", "Nema publikacija");  
    193   regGS("---Select publication---", "---Odaberi publikaciju---");  
    194   regGS("No issues", "Nema izdanja");  
    195   regGS("---Select issue---", "---Odaberi izdanje---");  
    196   regGS("No sections", "Nema rubrika");  
    197   regGS("---Select section---", "---Odaberi rubriku");  
    198   regGS("No articles", "Nema članaka");  
    199   regGS("---Select article---", "---Odaberi članak---");  
    200   regGS("Duplicate", "Napravi kopiju");  
    201   regGS("You do not have the right to add articles.", "Nemate prava kreirati članak");  
      328 regGS("This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.", "");  
      329 regGS("This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front page template selected.", "");  
      330 regGS("Add another", "");  
      331 regGS("Cancel", "");  
      332 regGS("Done", "");  
      333 regGS("New Field", "");  
      334 regGS("OK", "");  
      335 regGS("Save", "");  
      336 regGS("Search", "");  
      337 regGS("Add New Field", "");  
      338 regGS("Make a selection", "");  
      339 regGS("You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.", "");  
      340 regGS("You must input a valid date.", "");  
    202 341 regGS("Add new field", "Dodaj novo polje");  
      342 regGS("Article automatic publishing schedule", "");  
      343 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "");  
      344 regGS("Unlink", "");  
      345 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
      346 regGS("No such issue.", "Nema tog izdanja");  
      347 regGS("No such section.", "Ta rubrika ne postoji");  
      348 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "");  
      349 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "");  
      350 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "");  
      351 regGS("Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name '$2' was not used before in the publication $3.", "");  
      352 regGS("GB", "");  
      353 regGS("MB", "");  
      354 regGS("KB", "");  
      355 regGS("bytes", "");  
    203 356 regGS("Attach", "");  
    204 357 regGS("Back", "");  
    206 359 regGS("Save and Close", "");  
    207 360 regGS("Add", "Dodaj");  
      361 regGS("User name", "Korisničko ime");  
      362 regGS("User Types", "Vrste korisnika");  
      363 regGS("Subscription Default Time", "Osnovna dužina pretplate");  
      364 regGS("No such language.", "Nema tog jezika");  
      365 regGS("No such infotype.", "Nema tog <i>infotype</i>");  
      366 regGS("No such keyword.", "Nema te ključne riječi");  
      367 regGS("No such country.", "Nema te države");  
      368 regGS("User may add/change user accounts and passwords", "Korisnik smije dodavati/mijenjati korisničke račune i lozinke");  
      369 regGS("User may delete user accounts", "Korisnik smije brisati korisničke račune");  
      370 regGS("Add new user account", "Dodaj novog korisnika");  
      371 regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "Ostalo-la je(su) još $1 izdanje-a");  
      372 regGS("There are $1 keyword(s) left.", "Ostalo je još $1 ključne riječi");  
      373 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Ime<br><small>(kliknite za uređivanje)</small>");  
    208 374 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/home.php

    r3953 r4293  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("You haven't written any articles yet.", "");  
      3 regGS("There are no pending items to be published.", "");  
      4 regGS("There are currently no submitted articles.", "");  
      5 regGS("Recently Published Articles", "");  
      6 regGS("Publish articles", "");  
      7 regGS("Publish Date", "");  
      8 regGS("No articles have been published yet.", "");  
      9 regGS("Event(s)", "");  
      10 regGS("Signed in: $1", "");  
      11 regGS("Help", "");  
      12 regGS("About", "");  
    2 13 regGS("Please enter your user name and password", "Unesite vaše ime i lozinku");  
    3 14 regGS("You do not have the right to access this page.", "Nemate pravo pristupiti ovoj stranici");  
    4 15 regGS("Login failed", "Prijava nije uspjela");  
    5 16 regGS("Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.", "Provjerite da li ste ispravno upisali korisničko ime i lozinku");  
    6   regGS("If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1", "Ukoliko vam se ovaj problem ponavlja, obratite se vašem administratoru");  
      17 regGS("If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1", "Ukoliko vam se ovaj problem ponavlja, obratite se vašem administratoru $1");  
    6 17 ?>