Changeset 4294

Mon Jan 9 06:22:31 2006

arabic translation



  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/articles.php

    r4160 r4294  
    18 18 regGS("Section URL Name", "");  
    19 19 regGS("Section Name", "");  
    20   regGS("Reorder", "");  
    21 20 regGS("Publish date", "");  
    22 21 regGS("Publish Schedule", "");  
    37 36 regGS("Creation date", "");  
    38 37 regGS("Created by", "");  
    39   regGS("Author", "");  
    40 38 regGS("Article name ($1)", "");  
    41 39 regGS("Article List", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/globals.php

    r4160 r4294  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Account", "");  
      3 regGS("Items per page", "");  
      4 regGS("Cannot create file \"$1\"", "");  
      5 regGS("URL \"$1\" is invalid or is not an image.", "");  
      6 regGS("URL \"$1\" is not an image.", "");  
      7 regGS("Add new", "");  
    2 8 regGS("CAMPSITE", "كامبسايت");  
    3 9 regGS("Home", "البداية");  
    34 40 regGS("Hide", "أخفي");  
    35 41 regGS("Duplicate", "كرر");  
      42 regGS("Insert Internal Link", "");  
      43 regGS("Subscription", "");  
      44 regGS("expires", "");  
      45 regGS("starts", "");  
      46 regGS("before", "");  
      47 regGS("after", "");  
      48 regGS("on", "");  
      49 regGS("status", "");  
      50 regGS("active", "");  
      51 regGS("inactive", "");  
      52 regGS("Subscribers", "");  
      53 regGS("Staff", "");  
    36 54 regGS("Select destination", "اختر ال");  
    37 55 regGS("No languages", "لا لغات");  
    48 66 regGS("Translation", "الترجمة");  
    49 67 regGS("Country", "البلد");  
    50   regGS("User name", "اسم المستخدم");  
      68 regGS("Account name", "");  
    50 68 regGS("Definition", "التعريف");  
    51 69 regGS("Publication", "المنشور");  
    61 79 regGS("Topic", "الموضوع");  
    62 80 regGS("URL Name", "الإختصار");  
      81 regGS("Left to pay", "");  
      82 regGS("Active", "");  
      83 regGS("Paid", "");  
      84 regGS("Trial", "");  
    63 85 regGS("Next", "التالي");  
    64 86 regGS("Previous", "السابق");  
    69 91 regGS("Time", "الوقت");  
    70 92 regGS("Action", "فعل");  
    71   regGS("Schedule a new publish action", "جدول عملية نشر جديدة");  
      93 regGS("Schedule a new action", "");  
    71 93 regGS("No entries.", "لا إدخالات");  
    72 94 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "جدول عملية نشر جديدة");  
    91 113 regGS("days", "الأيام");  
    92 114 regGS("Article Types", "أنواع المقال");  
    93   regGS("User Types", "أنواع المستخدم");  
      115 regGS("Staff User Types", "");  
    93 115 regGS("Publications", "المنشورات");  
    94 116 regGS("Issues", "الأعداد");  
    131 153 regGS("There was an error reading the issue parameter.", "هنالك خطاء في قراءة متغيرات العدد");  
    132 154 regGS("There was an error reading request parameters.", "هنالك خطاء في قراءة متغيرات الطلب");  
      155 regGS("Invalid value of user type parameter", "");  
    133 156 regGS("Invalid article identifier", "معرُف المقال غير صالح");  
    134 157 regGS("Invalid destination section selected", "تم اختيار الإرسال إلى قسم غير صالح");  
    161 184 regGS("Thumbnail", "الصورة المصغرة");  
    162 185 regGS("In use", "مستخدمة بي");  
      186 regGS("Miscellaneous", "");  
    163 187 regGS("Identifier", "معرَف");  
    164 188 regGS("Additional searches", "بحث إضافي");  
    184 208 regGS("User may add templates", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة القوالب");  
    185 209 regGS("User may delete templates", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء القوالب");  
    186   regGS("User may add/change user accounts and passwords", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة وتعديل الحسابات وكلمات السر");  
    187   regGS("User may delete user accounts", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء حسابات المستخدمين");  
      210 regGS("User may add/change staff accounts and passwords", "");  
      211 regGS("User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords", "");  
      212 regGS("User may delete staff accounts", "");  
    188 213 regGS("User may manage user subscriptions", "يحق للمستخدم إدارة إشتراكات المستخدمين");  
    189 214 regGS("User may manage account types", "يحق للمستخدم إدارة أنواع الحسابات");  
    190 215 regGS("User may add/change article types", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة وتعديل أنواع المقالات");  
    191 216 regGS("User may delete article types", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء المقالات");  
      217 regGS("User may manage templates", "");  
      218 regGS("User may add/change country entries", "");  
    192 219 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة اللغات وتعديلها");  
    193 220 regGS("User may delete languages", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء اللغات");  
    223 250 regGS("User may use superscripts", "يحق للمستخدم إستخدام النص العلوي");  
    224 251 regGS("User may use subscripts", "يحق للمستخدم إستخدام النص السفلي");  
      252 regGS("User may restart the template engine", "");  
      253 regGS("Administrative tasks", "");  
      254 regGS("Restart the template engine", "");  
      255 regGS("The template engine was (re)started.", "");  
      256 regGS("The template engine could not be restarted! Please verify if the template engine was started by other user than $1.", "");  
      257 regGS("An user type with the name '$1' already exists.", "");  
      258 regGS("Localizer", "");  
      259 regGS("Staff/Subscribers Management", "");  
      260 regGS("Editor Basic Settings", "");  
      261 regGS("Editor Advanced Font Settings", "");  
      262 regGS("Editor Table Settings", "");  
      263 regGS("Editor Miscellaneous Settings", "");  
    225 264 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "تحديث صلاحيات أنواع المستخدمين");  
    226 265 regGS("Adding new translation", "إضافة ترجمة جديدة");  
    229 268 regGS("Add new publication", "أضف منشور جديد");  
    230 269 regGS("Upload new template", "تحميل قالب جديد");  
    231   regGS("Add new user account", "أضف حساب مستخدم جديد");  
      270 regGS("Add new staff member", "");  
      271 regGS("Add new subscriber", "");  
    232 272 regGS("Add new user type", "أضف نوع مستخدم جديد");  
    233 273 regGS("Add new article type", "أضف نوع مقال جديد");  
    262 302 regGS("Close", "إغلاق");  
    263 303 regGS("No issues.", "لا أعداد");  
      304 regGS("No subscriptions.", "");  
    264 305 regGS("Back to Edit Article", "العودة لتعديل المقال");  
    265 306 regGS("Adding new topic", "إضافة موضوع جديد");  
    295 336 regGS("Search", "بحث");  
    296 337 regGS("Add New Field", "أضف حقل جديد");  
      338 regGS("Make a selection", "");  
      339 regGS("You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.", "");  
      340 regGS("You must input a valid date.", "");  
      341 regGS("Add new field", "");  
      342 regGS("Article automatic publishing schedule", "");  
      343 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "");  
      344 regGS("Unlink", "");  
      345 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
      346 regGS("No such issue.", "");  
      347 regGS("No such section.", "");  
      348 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "");  
      349 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "");  
      350 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "");  
      351 regGS("Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name '$2' was not used before in the publication $3.", "");  
      352 regGS("GB", "");  
      353 regGS("MB", "");  
      354 regGS("KB", "");  
      355 regGS("bytes", "");  
    297 356 regGS("Attach", "");  
    298 357 regGS("Back", "");  
    300 359 regGS("Save and Close", "");  
    301 360 regGS("Add", "أضف");  
      361 regGS("Cuenta", "");  
      362 regGS("Items por página", "");  
      363 regGS("No puede crear el archivo $1\"", "");  
      364 regGS("User name", "اسم المستخدم");  
      365 regGS("Schedule a new publish action", "جدول عملية نشر جديدة");  
      366 regGS("User Types", "أنواع المستخدم");  
      367 regGS("User may add/change user accounts and passwords", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة وتعديل الحسابات وكلمات السر");  
      368 regGS("User may delete user accounts", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء حسابات المستخدمين");  
      369 regGS("Add new user account", "أضف حساب مستخدم جديد");  
    302 370 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/home.php

    r3953 r4294  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("You haven't written any articles yet.", "");  
      3 regGS("There are no pending items to be published.", "");  
      4 regGS("There are currently no submitted articles.", "");  
      5 regGS("Recently Published Articles", "");  
      6 regGS("Publish articles", "");  
      7 regGS("Publish Date", "");  
      8 regGS("No articles have been published yet.", "");  
      9 regGS("Event(s)", "");  
      10 regGS("Signed in: $1", "");  
      11 regGS("Help", "");  
      12 regGS("About", "");  
    2 13 regGS("Please enter your user name and password", "الرجاء إدخال أسم المستخدم وكلمة السر");  
    3 14 regGS("You do not have the right to access this page.", "لا تملك صلاحية الوصول لهذه الصفحة");