Tue Jun 7 20:37:52 2005

Ticket #1119 (Closed: fixed)

Icons are too far away from names of publications/issues/sections/articles

Priority: normal Reporter: paul
Severity: feature Assigned to: paul
Component: Admin Interface Status: closed
Version: none Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.4.0 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

Some users were complaining that the icons are on the other side of the screen from the name, making it difficult to see which icon goes with which name. We need to somehow redesign this.


Mon Sep 5 22:54:07 2005: Modified by paul

  • description changed.
  • milestone changed from 2.5.0 to 2.4.0
  • version changed from 2.5.0 to none
  • status changed from assigned to new
  • owner changed from charles to paul

Wed Nov 2 16:39:19 2005: Modified by paul

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from new to closed
