Tue Jun 7 21:04:59 2005

Ticket #1128

Ability to run with safe mode on

Priority: normal Reporter: paul
Severity: feature Assigned to: raed
Component: Security Status: new
Version: none Resolution:  
Milestone: 2.5.0 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

We may be able to do this already - we just have to see what this is and whether anything would be affected by running in this mode.


Tue Jun 7 21:05:47 2005: Modified by paul

  • component changed from External to Security

Wed Jun 8 22:16:48 2005: Modified by Andilek

    Jirka Reischig tested this and found following to this issue:  in
    campsite_vfile.conf:  php_admin_flag safe_mode On  php_admin_flag
    safe_mode_gid On  php_admin_value safe_mode_exec_dir
    "/no/such/directory"  php_admin_value open_basedir
    common/html:/usr/local/campsite/etc:/usr/share/pear"    However this
    will allow all files in /usr/local/campsite/etc to be readable from
    all instances and it contains access to database password for all
    instances.    His suggested solution would be to create
    /usr/local/campsite/etc/default dir for storing install_conf.php and
    this will lead to change in open_basedir /usr/local/campsite/etc to
    /usr/local/etc/default which would help.

    Wed Aug 3 20:30:00 2005: Modified by paul

    • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0

    Mon Sep 5 23:15:01 2005: Modified by paul

    • description changed.
    • milestone changed from 3.0.0 to 2.4.0
    • version changed from 3.0.0 to none
    • owner changed from anonymous to raed

    Fri Dec 2 20:40:39 2005: Modified by paul

    • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0