Tue Jun 28 16:17:21 2005

Ticket #1210 (Closed: duplicate)

Connection refused (111): Unclear error message

Priority: normal Reporter: john
Severity: major Assigned to: anonymous
Component: Template Engine Status: closed
Version: 2.2.2 Resolution: duplicate
Milestone: 2.2.2 Keywords:  

Description by john:

When accessing the documentroot of my test campsite install, I get
simply the text "Connection refused (111)". This error message is not
clear and should be expanded so as to be more helpful when
troubleshooting. I thought it was just from not having started the
campsite service, but it looks like it can occur other times.    It
would be nice if the message instead read "Unable to connect to
parser" or "Parser process was not found (have you started it?)" etc.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I know you're decomissioning the parser but
still I thought I'd report this.


Tue Jun 28 16:17:42 2005: Modified by john

  • milestone set to 2.2.2

Tue Jun 28 16:56:15 2005: Modified by john

  • summary changed from Unclear error message when parser daemon is not running to Connection refused (111): Unclear error message

Tue Jun 28 16:57:03 2005: Modified by john

  • severity changed from trivial to major

Tue Jul 5 14:44:36 2005: Modified by john

  • resolution set to duplicate
  • status changed from new to closed
  • owner changed from anonymous to john
I have filed a new bug which more accuratly describes the problem

Tue Jul 5 14:44:38 2005: Modified by john

  • owner changed from john to anonymous