Fri Jul 1 06:31:45 2005

Ticket #1220

the home button is too prominent in the main menu

Priority: normal Reporter: sava
Severity: tweak Assigned to: anonymous
Component: Admin Interface Status: new
Version: 2.4.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 3.1.0 Keywords:  

Description by sava:

Content is king, and yet it takes the second place to Home, a mere convenience view in Campsite. You can already reach home from anywhere in Campsite by clicking on the logo in the left corner. It clutters the interface unnecessarily. Find a new home for Home. (Either put it back where it was, de-iconizing it, or think of something more clever).


Fri Jul 1 15:05:34 2005: Modified by paul

    All navigation should stay in the same place, it should definitely not
    be moved back to where it was.  I dont see anything wrong with where
    it is now.  Perhaps make the icon smaller or something, but thats all.

    Fri Jul 1 16:27:20 2005: Modified by sava

      The home Icon has no place in the most important location in the menu,
      especially not being a menu heading. So it *has* to move.

      Mon Jul 25 09:53:04 2005: Modified by paul

        I suppose charles must be the last word on this, I moved it to its
        current location because of the latest screenshots.  I like it where
        it is since it keeps all of the navigation in one place, and I think
        users are used to this type of layout - most applications do it this
        way.  The home page will expand over time, and will become more and
        more useful.  Most of the time I find myself going to this page
        because it is easy to jump to the latest stuff you've created.  It
        contains the most relevant content ("content is king").

        Mon Jul 25 16:28:41 2005: Modified by charles

          well i agree that usually home takes its place on the left side of the
          navbar, and that's where most users expect to find it. However if the
          consensus is that it needs to move, another thing that makes sense is
          to remove the home button, and have the logo work as a home button.
          this is also a well established convention.

          Wed Jul 27 13:54:07 2005: Modified by paul

            Still unresolved, and Sava has yet to make a convincing case against
            Charles and I.  Mambo's main menu is laid out just the same as ours,
            with the home button in the same place.  I suggest we try what we have
            now and once people try it out, we can ask for feedback on the dev
            list.  Postponing this issue to 2.4.

            Wed Jul 27 13:54:32 2005: Modified by paul

            • milestone changed from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
            • status changed from assigned to new
            • owner changed from charles to anonymous

            Wed Jul 27 21:30:34 2005: Modified by sava

              OK, I'll come up with a convincing argument to keep our interface
              uncluttered. I expect other users to back me up. I repeat, to have a
              non-dropping, redundant (you can get the same result by clicking on
              the logo--and for the newbies, you could leave a message on the home
              page that by clicking on the Campsite logo, you can always go back
              home) item on the most important place in a dropdown menu is
              counterintuitive. I don't really care about what Mambo does, sure it
              is pretty, but you can't say it is uncluttered. I don't want us to be
              like Mambo; we can do better than that within our niche. The place for
              Home should be with the re-vamped breadcrumb navigation, but I rest my
              case until version 2.4 (or 2.3.1 ;).

              Mon Sep 5 22:46:22 2005: Modified by paul

              • description changed.
              • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 3.1.0