Wed Sep 14 11:52:50 2005

Ticket #1452 (assigned)

Remove useless database indexes

Priority: high Reporter: paul
Severity: minor Assigned to: mugur (accepted)
Component: Database Status: assigned
Version: 2.1.6 Resolution:  
Milestone: 2.6.0 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

Article Table

The article table has unused database indexes taking up lots of space. Also, the index that involves the name of the article needs to be removed because it prevents two articles from having the same name.

Section Table

The Section table index called "IdPublication" also seems useless, and requires each section to have a unique name (bad).


Wed Sep 14 11:58:37 2005: Modified by paul

  • owner changed from anonymous to mugur

Proposed for removal (needs to be checked by Mugur):

- other_key - IdPublication?

Wed Sep 14 16:27:32 2005: Modified by paul

  • description changed.
  • priority changed from normal to high
  • summary changed from Remove useless database indexes from Article table to Remove useless database indexes

Tue Dec 6 17:09:49 2005: Modified by mugur

  • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
  • status changed from new to assigned

Wed Jan 18 14:36:14 2006: Modified by paul

  • milestone changed from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0