Fri Oct 7 22:12:29 2005

Ticket #1471 (Closed: fixed)

Install scripts break on Debian 3.1 (Sarge)

Priority: high Reporter: paul
Severity: major Assigned to: mugur
Component: Install Scripts Status: closed
Version: 2.3.1 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.3.2 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

Debian's apache executable is named "apache", and the config file is "/etc/apache/httpd.conf". The install scripts first look for the apache binary, and then assume that the configuration file is named "{binary}.conf". This causes the installation to fail with a weird error like:

Preparing install scripts...Invalid apache configuration files. Aborting.
executable httpds not found in /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games

Contact Ben for access to a Debian system so you can test it out.

The problem is located in .install_conf/check4_functions, function check4_apache(), which starts on line 611. When I changed line 667 from:




it started working.


Fri Oct 7 22:13:25 2005: Modified by paul

  • description changed.

Fri Oct 7 22:16:53 2005: Modified by paul

  • description changed.

Thu Oct 13 17:38:04 2005: Modified by mugur

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from new to closed