Tue Oct 11 17:11:12 2005

Ticket #1476 (Closed: fixed)

Wrong error message when PEAR fails to update

Priority: normal Reporter: paul
Severity: minor Assigned to: mugur
Component: Install Scripts Status: closed
Version: 2.3.1 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.3.2 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

When I was installing, the PEAR upgrade died:

/usr/bin/pear upgrade Archive_Tar Console_Getopt XML_RPC Net_Socket
PEAR_Remote: invalid HTTP response from XML-RPC server
make[2]: *** [install] Error 1

but the installation script gave me this error:

Installing Campsite...
Read install_log for more information on installation error.
Please report bug to https://www.campware.org
The password was not correct. Try again (Y/N) ? [Y]: n


Sun Oct 16 17:31:12 2005: Modified by mugur

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from new to closed