Fri Oct 21 15:27:47 2005

Ticket #1493 (Closed: fixed)

Xinha->add image: error-msg/popup to small

Priority: normal Reporter: sebastian
Severity: minor Assigned to: paul
Component: Admin Interface Status: closed
Version: 2.3.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.5.0 Keywords:  

Description by sebastian:

Using Internet Explorer I found 2 bugs in xinha on adding image to article body:

- the dialog-popup is to small. Solution: I added "+70" in xinha/popups/popup.js line 66

- before the popup occours, an alert "Error reding LanguageFile" is thrown. The localizations are fine anyway. Thatswhy I just comment out line 5163

Note: changes are just made local on my installation, not on repository!


Tue Dec 6 21:41:04 2005: Modified by paul

  • resolution set to worksforme
  • status changed from new to closed

I cant reproduce this, and it might be fixed cause I recently updated xinha. Please reopen if you can still reproduce this bug.

Mon Jan 30 17:20:25 2006: Modified by paul

  • resolution cleared
  • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
  • status changed from closed to reopened

Wed Feb 1 19:06:30 2006: Modified by paul

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from reopened to closed

Fixed in changeset:4417.