Tue Oct 25 05:41:27 2005

Ticket #1495 (Closed: fixed)

Add version 2.3.2 to Trac ticket system

Priority: normal Reporter: john
Severity: minor Assigned to: anonymous
Component: none Status: closed
Version: 2.3.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.4.0 Keywords:  

Description by john:

Add version 2.3.2 to Trac ticket system


Tue Oct 25 06:01:56 2005: Modified by paul

  • resolution set to invalid
  • status changed from new to closed

Tue Oct 25 06:02:52 2005: Modified by john

  • resolution cleared
  • status changed from closed to reopened

No it's not. Try creating a ticket.

Tue Oct 25 06:18:28 2005: Modified by john

    Hmm hang on, why is it there as a MILESTONE but not as a VERSION? What's the distinction that Trac is making here?

    Tue Oct 25 06:19:16 2005: Modified by john

      .. I think that users reporting bugs expect to report them against 'versions' so that is where the focus should be, isn' it?

      Tue Oct 25 14:58:27 2005: Modified by paul

      • resolution set to fixed
      • status changed from reopened to closed

      ah...i was thinking milestone. Ok, its been added.