Tue Oct 25 17:00:16 2005

Ticket #1501 (Closed: fixed)

Xinha needs to strip out everything except bold and italic

Priority: immediate Reporter: paul
Severity: major Assigned to: paul
Component: Admin Interface Status: closed
Version: 2.3.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.3.3 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

Strip out all styles except bold and italic. Verify functionality with Zoran.


Wed Oct 26 07:19:11 2005: Modified by paul

    Done, waiting for feedback from Zoran.

    Wed Oct 26 12:28:55 2005: Modified by john

      I think this should be an administrator privilege: "can insert advanced HTML formatting", something like that. What about people wanting to write little HTML tables, or bullet lists, etc?

      Do I misunderstand?

      Wed Oct 26 15:37:51 2005: Modified by paul

      • status changed from new to assigned

      This is for pasting text from MS Word or another web page.

      Wed Oct 26 19:06:04 2005: Modified by paul

        Second iteration of changes - stripped out LI, OL, UL, TABLE, TH, TR, TD, and fixed a strange bug where the TITLE regex would hang for a long time on firefox.

        Mon Oct 31 00:40:26 2005: Modified by paul

          One last change to do: remove underline formatting.

          Mon Oct 31 01:25:58 2005: Modified by paul

          • resolution set to fixed
          • status changed from assigned to closed
