Wed Oct 26 05:04:56 2005

Ticket #1502 (Closed: duplicate)

Install cron job scripts in /usr/sbin

Priority: normal Reporter: john
Severity: minor Assigned to: anonymous
Component: Admin Interface Status: closed
Version: 2.3.2 Resolution: duplicate
Milestone: 2.3.4 Keywords:  

Description by john:

These scripts like autopublish, notifyevents, etc should not be accessed by non-root users normally, so let's put them in /usr/sbin -- and prefix their names with 'campsite-' as well. I suggest

campsite-notify-events campsite-autopublish campsite-notify-end-subs etc.

    This directory contains programs for administering a system,
meant to be run by 'root'. Like '/sbin', it's not part of a user's 
$PATH. Examples of included binaries here are chroot, useradd, 
in.tftpd and pppconfig.



Wed Oct 26 05:05:18 2005: Modified by john

  • description changed.

Wed Oct 26 15:36:44 2005: Modified by paul

  • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to none

Fri Nov 25 16:48:18 2005: Modified by mugur

  • resolution set to duplicate
  • milestone changed from none to 2.3.4
  • status changed from new to closed

duplicate of ticket:1517