Wed Oct 26 16:11:01 2005

Ticket #1506 (Closed: fixed)

Can't log out

Priority: normal Reporter: john
Severity: major Assigned to: anonymous
Component: Admin Interface Status: closed
Version: 2.3.2 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.3.3 Keywords:  

Description by john:

Can't logout of campsite as a subscriber in 2.3.2.

After logging out, I can still access my person details via 'usermodify'.

Because I can't log out, I also can't log in to the admin pages until I close and relaunch my browser, because of the bug #1312


Wed Oct 26 16:15:48 2005: Modified by john

    It appears that I assumed that <!** logout> was implemented, but it's not mentioned in the documentation. I may have assumed from the old fastnews templates...?

    Perhaps this needs to be implemented?


    Thu Oct 27 00:34:15 2005: Modified by paul

    • resolution set to invalid
    • status changed from new to closed

    You can use this to log a person out:

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Set-Cookie" CONTENT="TOL_UserId=; path=/">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Set-Cookie" CONTENT="TOL_UserKey=; path=/">

    Thu Oct 27 02:35:27 2005: Modified by john

    • resolution cleared
    • status changed from closed to reopened

    The above needs to be documented in the manual (why is the cookie called TOL_...?) and we need to pencil in when we are going to implement a proper <!** logout> directive.]

    Especially since this problem blocks #1312.

    Thu Oct 27 05:22:38 2005: Modified by paul

    • resolution set to fixed
    • status changed from reopened to closed

    Documented it here:

    The cookie is called TOL because the software was originally written for Transitions OnLine?.

    #1312 isnt blocked by this.

    Thu Oct 27 16:08:40 2005: Modified by john

      Might be worth adding that those lines need to be inside the HTML <HEAD> They do, ...right?
