Mon Nov 28 16:21:08 2005

Ticket #1563

Remove pear update commands

Priority: normal Reporter: mugur
Severity: minor Assigned to: paul
Component: Admin Interface Status: new
Version: 2.3.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 2.5.0 Keywords:  

Description by mugur:

The install scripts run pear install/update commands in order to solve pear dependencies. Remove these commands; check pear dependencies, let the user know if and what packages are missing, what steps should the user take and exit with error.


Mon Nov 28 16:21:14 2005: Modified by mugur

  • status changed from new to assigned

Wed Jan 18 14:48:25 2006: Modified by paul

  • status changed from assigned to new
  • owner changed from mugur to paul

We'll include the PEAR packages with the distro. No installation of PEAR necessary. I think this one is worth it for 2.5 since half of all install bugs are because of this.