Fri Dec 16 19:28:56 2005

Ticket #1594 (Closed: fixed)

Use consistent icon for translate

Priority: high Reporter: sava
Severity: minor Assigned to: paul
Component: Admin Interface Status: closed
Version: 2.4.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.4.0 Keywords:  

Description by sava:

We have the flags in section view (article lists) and arrows elsewhere (issues). Perhaps we should stick to arrows, because flags are already used for the localizer.


Mon Dec 19 06:49:52 2005: Modified by paul

    I have some comments on this issue:

    1) Since we are leaving out the "Translate" column header (in the article list) to save space, we need an icon that is much more intuitive than arrows.

    2) The translate arrows next to the "up/down" arrows in the article list looks really bad and is confusing.

    3) The "translate" icons and the "localizer" icons indicate the exact same thing - translation.

    4) Most users will never see the localizer icon.

    Thus I suggest we leave it as is.

    Thu Dec 29 22:30:27 2005: Modified by paul

    • resolution set to fixed
    • status changed from new to closed