Tue Jan 3 23:11:02 2006

Ticket #1618 (Closed: fixed)

Use a dash (-) instead of a comma(,) as keywords separator

Priority: urgent Reporter: paul
Severity: feature Assigned to: paul
Component: Admin Interface Status: closed
Version: none Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 2.5.0 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

Add in system preferences as user ID zero (0) in the UserConfig? table. Create a new class for system preferences, perhaps as a subclass of UserConfig?. Create a new screen to set system preferences. Change add/edit article screens to use new system preference when parsing keywords. Upgrade script to add system preferences. Documentation for the new screen. Localization required.

Estimate: 1 day new SystemPref? class + 1 day system pref screen & edit article screens + 1 day upgrade script & testing + 1 day documentation/localization = 4 person-days


Wed Feb 1 22:59:09 2006: Modified by paul

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from new to closed

Implemented in changeset:4420.