Sun May 18 20:05:39 2003

Ticket #282

Automatically fill in CAPTION and Alt text Field using image metadata

Priority: low Reporter: mira
Severity: feature Assigned to: anonymous
Component: WYSIWYG editor Status: new
Version: 4.0.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 4.0.0 Keywords:  

Description by mira:

Take the metadata from a photo - such as file name or EXIF caption -
and automatically put it into Campsite's caption. This would also help
for subscribers to photo wires.


Mon Oct 4 16:07:25 2004: Modified by douglas

  • summary changed from Automatically fill in CAPTION and Alt text Field [CLARIFY] to Automatically fill in CAPTION and Alt text Field using image metadata

Thu Jun 2 18:48:07 2005: Modified by paul

  • milestone changed from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0