Tue Apr 5 19:47:23 2005

Ticket #766 (assigned)

Automatically start a new thread in a forum when user posts comment to an article

Priority: high Reporter: paul
Severity: feature Assigned to: paul (accepted)
Component: External Status: assigned
Version: none Resolution:  
Milestone: 2.6.0 Keywords:  

Description by paul:

Automatically start a new thread in a forum when user posts comment to an article.


Wed Apr 20 17:57:06 2005: Modified by paul

  • milestone changed from 2.3.0 to 3.0.0

Tue Apr 26 21:31:40 2005: Modified by sava

  • milestone changed from 3.0.0 to 2.3.0
  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to paul

Tue Apr 26 21:54:28 2005: Modified by paul

  • priority changed from normal to high

Tue May 17 18:47:52 2005: Modified by paul

  • milestone changed from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0

Thu Jun 2 16:43:15 2005: Modified by mugur

  • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0

Mon Sep 5 23:06:49 2005: Modified by paul

  • description changed.
  • milestone changed from 3.0.0 to 2.4.0
  • version changed from 3.0.0 to none

Tue Oct 25 08:50:33 2005: Modified by Vion

    Good day everybody, who is reading this thread now!

    Do you believe if you are told that it possible to earn 1000$ and more just made investition only in 6$. At first I didn’t, so you wan’t too. But in the end that was interesting suggestion and I decided to look briefly at the information below.

    I found it at one forum and made my mind to try it. I used to wander in different kinds of forums, then suddenly I found this article where I was told that it is possible to make thousands of dollars. “Well… I thought, that must be the next trick for simple men…”, but I decided to read to the end and find out what they are suggesting.

    Further there was told to send 1$ to each E-Gold account the numbers of which listed below. Then you must strike the first purse off the list that remove the list to one line up and release the sixth lien where You enter the number of your purse and send that good work with your purse number on the sixth line to the different forums (the more forums are sent the more profit you get)

    It’s like no trick… So I take it deep into my mind and thought that I lose nothing, and besides 6$ is small money and made up my mind to try it. And guess what?!?!

    In two days my purse became to get money! I was in a great deal of shock!!! But immediately I thought that is the end. But I was mistaken!!! The first week I have got 25$, further to the end of the second week my income became 1 000$!... to the middle of the third week – 10 000$...!!!! Today goes the fourth week and I counted 42 000$ in my purse and the sum grows very rapidly.

    That’s all for price in 6$!!!

    I was not in a good financial stance until I came across this article. I didn’t believe that it works until I started to received money transfers from all parts of the world. I have bought everything I needed and that find occurred very useful for me.


    I promise you that if you observe listed below instructions exactly you’ll start to get much more money that you think, ever don’t make any special efforts to it. Suggestion: Read this two times!!! Follow the instructions and money started to fill your purse.

    Just agree that is simple thing!!!

    It is legal. And your investition is only 6$

    IMPORTANT: That is not cheat and it isn’t illegal, so you don’t risk any thing, but it works!!! NOTICE: Follow the instruction EXACTLY and 50 000$ and more will be yours in 20 – 60 days. All of this, lucky works owing to fairness and seriousness of the participants.

    Here are the only 3 steps to success:

    1. You need register in E-Gold system, which is on the next address http://www.e-gold.com 2. Take the first number of the purse in the list below, sent to it 1$, in the field “Memo”(Comment) enter “Please, enter me to the list of the account”. Everything you have done that created the service, and the most important it is quite legal. You ask for legal service for which you pay. Send 5$ to the remained five purses with numbers 2,3,4,5,6 (1$ to each purse).

    1. 2463489 2. 2511181 3. 2513808 4. 2514213 5. 2514369 6. 2519114

    Now you must strike the first purse off the list. It leads to the next – the list places to one line up (the sixth purse becomes the fifth one, the fifth purse becomes the fourth one, and so on) and enter to sixth line Your purse. (Just use any text redactor to do it) 3. Make any changes you want but save main idea. Place this article more than 200 forums on and news groups. Remember the more you place the more your income will be, and this income will depend on you directly. This business continues to prosper and exist only owing to fairness and seriousness of the participants. So when you reach the first position you will have thousands of $ just as a creator of the list! This costs only 6$ and some trifling work!!! Take this at once – don’t put it out for tomorrow! Time – is money!!!

    Now I’ll explain you why you don’t lose anything in any case, and you only win!

    So say from 200 places of the article I’ll get only 5 answers (very low ratio). It means that I’ll make 5$ when I am on sixth position in the list. Now these 5 peoples make again MINIMUM 200 places with my purse on the fifth position, and only 5 peoples answer them – That is 25$. Further these 25 people make 200 places each with my purse on fourth line in the list and only 5 peoples reply them – my income is 125$. Now these 125 people place the article and receive only 5 answers each give me 625$ of profit (I am on third position).

    Further is better: these 625 people make minimum 200 places with my purse on the second line and only 5 people reply them – that is 3 125$ of profit. The most interesting that is these 3 125 peoples make 200 more, so if they are answered only by 5 people that I get 15 625$. It is an impressive figure, isn’t it? And all for you is to make your origin investition in 6$. When you are out of the list you just send 6$ these peoples of the list and put your purse to sixth position and again place the article. Can you imagine that thousands of users from all the parts of the world join Internet and read these articles every day. As you are reading this.

    Every day from 20 000 – 50 000 novices come to Internet. According to the specialists’ forecast only in the USA quantity of Internet users will grow from present 25 millions to 43 millions by 2006!!! Just think what chances that they want to try themselves in something new??? So the last thing: That is really great axiom – to get something you must to give something, and to get more something you must give more!!! Sure that yourself!

    Good luck to everybody!!!

    How to spread the information in forums.

    Open any searcher, for example Google.com; Yahoo.com and so on. Write down in the line of search a phrase: “forum”, “start a new thread” or “new thread” (without quotes). The searcher will find thousands of pages, where the links lead to the page for filling a new thread of forum or to the main page of forum.

    Fri Nov 11 00:17:13 2005: Modified by paul

    • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0

    Tue Jan 3 22:52:58 2006: Modified by paul

    • milestone changed from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0