Thu Apr 7 23:25:00 2005

Ticket #778

Browser "Back" button doesnt work when editing article

Priority: normal Reporter: paul
Severity: minor Assigned to:  
Component: Admin Interface Status: new
Version: 2.2.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: none Keywords:  

Description by paul:

From John Pye:    "When editing an article, I noticed that my browser
'back' button  didn't work. Is this by design? If so, perhaps you need
to show a  javascript alert or something like that?"


Mon Apr 18 21:26:17 2005: Modified by paul

    I think we will have to switch from using redirects.  To do this, we
    change the do_*.php files into functions.  The screen that the user is
    on calls itself, and then detects whether data has been submitted.  If
    so, it will call the do_* function, and then load some screen.

    Wed Apr 20 18:06:27 2005: Modified by paul

    • milestone changed from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0

    Thu Apr 28 20:32:20 2005: Modified by paul

      This is due to HTMLArea/Xinha.  Its a bug in Firefox, but might be
      able to be fixed inside of Xinha using some javascript history

      Tue May 17 18:49:21 2005: Modified by paul

      • milestone changed from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0

      Fri Jun 24 08:34:19 2005: Modified by paul

      • summary changed from Browser "Back" button doesnt work when editin article to Browser "Back" button doesnt work when editing article

      Wed Aug 3 20:26:35 2005: Modified by paul

      • milestone changed from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0

      Mon Sep 5 23:29:27 2005: Modified by paul

      • description changed.
      • milestone changed from 3.0.0 to none
      • version changed from 3.0.0 to 2.2.0
      • status changed from assigned to new
      • owner cleared