Wed Dec 21 13:24:12 2005

Ticket #660

Pull-down lists inefficient for large amounts of information

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas <[email protected]>
Severity: minor Assigned to: pandzic
Component: User Interface Status: new
Version: 2.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 2.0 Keywords:  

Description by douglas <[email protected]>:

Cream’s pull-down lists for items such as customers become _extremely_ difficult to use for larger amounts of data. Changes to the UI should be made so as to allow users to either use a predictive search (a la Google Predict) or a combined search/pulldown popup. The exact form of the change to the UI isn’t important; what’s important is that several clients with thousands of customers are now considering Cream, and we want to make the interface as user-friendly as possible.