Custom Query

35 tickets matched this query.

Ticket summary status component owner priority
1482 localizer tries to include PEAR from wrong path closed bug sebastian urgent
1199 Consistency needed: Settle for either Audio file or Audio clip closed LiveSupport Station sebastian high
1481 change settings in php.ini during installation. closed bug sebastian normal
1480 unable to add audio via web interface closed bug sebastian normal
1479 please document the format of the file upload limit for the HTML UI closed End-user Documentation sebastian normal
1475 Handling of installed library's, will not be detect well closed bug anonymous normal
1471 DisplayPlaylistsMethodTest::firstTest assertion failed - Expression: result.size() == 2 closed bug maroy normal
1470 document the playlist document format completely closed bug fgerlits normal
1465 Embedding playlists created from the web-interface don't work closed bug fgerlits normal
1461 pear modules won't install closed bug tomash normal
1454 LiveSupport::Scheduler::DisplayPlaylistsMethodTest closed bug maroy normal
1440 fix WebStorageClient::acquirePlaylist() closed gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
1439 AudioClip and Playlist acquire / release signaling incosistent closed development environment fgerlits normal
1432 LS Studio: Pause has small delay, the audio file seems like "slipping" closed bug maroy normal
1431 LS Studio: Elapsed and remaining time doesn't stop when we pause the audio file in program closed bug maroy normal
1430 LS Studio: There should be shortcut on keyboard for changing positions of the files in playlist closed bug fgerlits normal
1424 search behavior changed when called by xml-rpc closed bug tomash normal
1418 A playlist that spans past midnight is displayed incorrectly on the next day's schedule closed LiveSupport Station sebastian normal
1417 Reorder playlist in playlist editor has no functionality closed LiveSupport Station sebastian normal
1415 LS Station: Mass import script has problems with unicode characters closed LiveSupport Station tomash normal
1408 LS Station: Playlists scheduled from LS Studio don't show up in 'now playing' field in HTML UI closed LiveSupport Station douglas normal
1407 LS Studio: Mass import script returns errors while importing files closed LiveSupport Station tomash normal
1399 LS Station: Mass import script should use filename instead of 'Empty file' for title closed LiveSupport Station tomash normal
1398 LS Studio: No error message given when there's a conflict over sound cards closed LiveSupport Studio maroy normal
1386 LS Studio: Uploading files from LS Studio sometimes returns XML-RPC error closed LiveSupport Station tomash normal
1380 Playing two mp3's at ones closed bug maroy normal
1271 remove non-executable files marked with the executable flag from the CVS closed bug sebastian normal
1234 implement music and talk tabs for file upload closed gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
1226 GreenBox::addAudioClipToPlaylist() doesn´t allow to reduce duration closed server feature tomash normal
1206 LS Station: Data and Metadata buttons in the 'Add Audio' menu closed LiveSupport Station sebastian normal
1095 Samplarates in metadata closed HTML UI sebastian normal
605 HTML UI: Accessing sound file renames to SimpleGet.php.mp3 closed bug sebastian normal
564 Automatic file import closed server feature tomash normal
1419 PEAR package seems buggy closed bug sebastian low
1405 development environment setup closed bug tomash low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.