Custom Query

87 tickets matched this query.

Ticket summary status component owner priority
1553 Add sound card driver support new LS-Knoppix Install CD maroy normal
1550 permissions for scheduling new storage server tomash normal
1517 GUI aborted on browse mode new gLiveSupport ferenc normal
1502 add machine-detectable audio tagging to broadcast files new development environment maroy normal
1484 take care of overall version info new End-user Documentation anonymous normal
1478 provide documentation in various sound card setups new End-user Documentation anonymous normal
1455 no logo in MP upload file window assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1450 Setting transition time for live mode? assigned End-user Documentation fgerlits normal
1420 Manual: Screenshots are missing or broken assigned End-user Documentation micz normal
1411 outliner feature idea new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
1406 LS Studio: Segfault while playing file in live mode and using mass import script at same time assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
1397 LS Studio: Cosmetic fixes new gLiveSupport charles normal
1388 LS Studio: Schedule window doesn't tell user a playlist is playing assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
1384 Talk radio phone-in connection new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
1381 Playing a cd in livemode new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
1367 play as fast as possible as now new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
1070 Playlist prioritization assigned storage server tomash normal
1055 LS Station: Sound file analysis on file input new gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
1049 Howto for using the mass import script together with Samba assigned storage server tomash normal
1048 Install CD: Sample database with jingle files assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
1047 Install CD: Help messages in the installer program assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD douglas normal
1045 Install CD: Use latest Firefox assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
1044 Install CD: Create script to check status/start/stop assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
1043 Install CD: Scheduler not started on boot assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
1042 Install CD: Sound card config improvements assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
1041 Install CD: Change desktop background file assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
1039 LS Station: Importing files with Arabic ID3 tags displays garbage assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
1035 Scratchpad and Search/Browse: Show total durations assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1034 Playlist editor should display total duration in headline assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1033 HTML UI: Redesign file info on mouse hover assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1031 LS Station and Studio: Clarify buttons and functions in Advanced Search assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1029 HTML UI: Move scratchpad to same side in all views assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1027 LS Station: Saved, open playlists should appear in browse/search assigned gLiveSupport tomash normal
1026 HTML UI: Scratchpad indicator that file is unusable assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1025 HTML UI: Playlist editor 'fade' function needs button assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1024 Station: Add check for duplicate metadata assigned storage server tomash normal
1023 HTML UI: Add 'add file to playlist' button to playlist editor assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1022 HTML UI: Playlist editor metadata button should become a tab assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1021 HTML UI: Revisit playlist buttons in playlist editor assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1018 HTML UI: Changes to tabs assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1017 HTML UI: Master panel changes assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
1008 UI: More room around window borders assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
998 Install CD: Sound card choices confusing assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
991 Interactive radio new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
990 Station HTML UI: Include log view window under 'Station settings' assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
979 LS Studio: Allow Samba shares as valid files/folders assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
978 Boot process has one blurry LS logo assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
969 LS Studio: Problems with tabs assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
968 LS Studio: Master Panel buttons need 'pressed' state assigned gLiveSupport charles normal
967 LS Studio: Master Panel needs bottom border assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
955 Install CD: Installation hangs at 'Configure Network' assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
953 Install CD: Restart/Shutdown hangs at eth0 assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
952 Install CD: Upgrading an installation assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
951 Install CD: Dual/multiple boot assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
949 Install CD: Options for different boot settings unavailable assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD michael normal
947 LiveSupport Documentation assigned LS-Knoppix Install CD douglas normal
942 pre listen to the last 20 secondes new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
936 MP now playing a playlist display playlist name assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
871 Live Mode: Item Info assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
864 Live Mode: Crossfade new gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
838 create complete documentation for storage XML-RPC API assigned End-user Documentation tomash normal
731 Messages on first page and login screen new development environment douglas normal
697 the pulldown navigation hides behind the subtabs of the content window assigned HTML UI micz normal
664 Multi Server setup assigned storage server tomash normal
659 playlist generator assigned storage server tomash normal
658 format-template-editor new storage server tomash normal
654 Ontology support for metadata fields new storage server tomash normal
625 PHP libraries to access CDDB database new storage server tomash normal
618 Selector search new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
607 Check for new versions feature new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
566 Ad management new storage server tomash normal
565 Newsroom features new gLiveSupport anonymous normal
563 Recurring playlists assigned storage server tomash normal
562 Blank playlists as placeholders new scheduler server maroy normal
554 add 'schedule note' functionality to scheduler assigned scheduler server fgerlits normal
547 create XML-RPC function for scheduler: getCurrentlyPlaying assigned scheduler server fgerlits normal
542 Integrating workflow and notifications into LS new storage server tomash normal
539 Interface for group- or station-wide required metadata new gLiveSupport fgerlits normal
517 Playlist/file export/import new storage server tomash normal
509 Interface to Cream for ad management new scheduler server anonymous normal
508 Upload/Download accounting new storage server tomash normal
1426 tag reading of remote files does not work in gui assigned gLiveSupport fgerlits low
1354 Playable objects are not thread-safe assigned development environment fgerlits low
1223 missing minus button assigned gLiveSupport charles low
1020 HTML UI: Rounded buttons new gLiveSupport charles low
756 php does not find the postgresql extension assigned storage server tomash low
560 Search: Fall-through to Online Music Stores new storage server tomash low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.