{1} Active Tickets (194 matches)

  • List all active tickets by priority.
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  • If a ticket has been accepted, a '*' is appended after the owner's name
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Severity Owner Created
#1551 gstreamer Makefile is wrong so fails to make development environment 1.0.x 1.0.2 major maroy 11/27/05
#1530 adding network functionality storage server 1.1 1.1.0 Leon feature tomash 11/06/05
#1579 UC-2 Offline mirroring / backup (backend) storage server 1.1 1.1.0 Leon feature tomash 12/24/05
#1580 create ubuntu / debian package tree packaging 1.1 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 12/24/05
#1568 Making LiveSupport use alsa. gLiveSupport 1.0.2 1.0.2 crash fgerlits 12/15/05
#1235 create of spec file for rpmbuild packaging 1.x 1.0.2 feature maroy 07/04/05
#1487 LS Studio: Audio player error on file playback gLiveSupport 1.0.1 1.0.2 major akos 10/04/05
#879 debian package dependencies removed for livesupport-station and livesupport-studio pacakges packaging 1.0.2 minor maroy * 04/26/05
#1466 developer docs auto-generation is broken development environment 1.0 1.0.2 minor maroy 09/19/05
#1492 create debian / ubuntu package set / apt-get source tree packaging 1.0 1.0.2 minor sebastian 10/04/05
#1493 release gentoo ebuilds packaging 1.0 1.0.2 minor maroy 10/04/05
#1554 CD mounting does not work on the installed version of the live CD LS-Knoppix Install CD 1.0 1.0.x major douglas 11/30/05
#1549 jingles are not readable in the 1.0.2 deb package storage server 1.0 1.0.x minor tomash 11/24/05
#1573 error on boost with make -C scheduler all development environment 1.0.x 1.0.x minor maroy 12/21/05
#1577 AudioClipTest :: firstTestmake: check Segmentation fault development environment 1.0.x 1.0.x minor maroy 12/22/05
#1366 control on double import storage server 1.x 1.1.0 Leon feature tomash 08/04/05
#1434 When the scheduled playlist starts, it is not possible to stop it. scheduler server 1.0 rc2 1.1.0 Leon feature maroy * 08/30/05
#1581 schedule import / export UC-3 UC-4 scheduler server 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature maroy 12/24/05
#1582 playlist import and export UC-5 UC-6 storage server 1.1 1.1.0 Leon feature tomash 12/24/05
#1583 preferences pallette UC-7 gLiveSupport 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature fgerlits * 12/24/05
#1599 UC-1 Output playlist to single file storage server 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature tomash 01/25/06
#1600 UC-2 Offline mirroring/backup (frontend) HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1601 UC-3 Schedule export HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1602 UC-4 Schedule import HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1603 UC-5 Playlist export HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1604 UC-6 Playlist Import HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1606 UC-7.2 Scheduler sub-menu HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1607 UC-7.3 Mass Import HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1608 UC-7.4 Database backup/restore HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1609 UC-7.6 Archive of Broadcast HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1610 UC-8: File Transfer HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1611 UC-9 Network Search/Browse HTML UI 1.0 1.1.0 Leon feature sebastian 01/25/06
#1494 migrate to gstreamer 0.10 development environment 1.0 1.1.0 Leon major maroy 10/05/05
#1594 UI for network functionality End-user Documentation 1.1 1.1.0 Leon minor Sebastian 01/17/06
#1595 GTK UI for network functionality End-user Documentation 1.1 1.1.0 Leon minor Ferenc 01/17/06
#1617 Make keyboard shortcuts customizable from the GUI gLiveSupport 1.0 1.1.0 Leon minor fgerlits 02/17/06
#1618 the html ui needs the same kind of config files as the other modules End-user Documentation 1.0 1.1.0 Leon minor sebastian 02/20/06
#505 Proof of Broadcast HTML UI 1.0 1.1.1 Hayq feature sebastian 12/15/04
#1571 syndicate broadcast logs scheduler server 1.1 1.1.1 Hayq feature maroy 12/20/05
#1584 adding network functionality (duplicate placeholder) storage server 1.0 1.1.1 Hayq feature tomash 12/24/05
#1585 Offline mirroring / backup UC-2 storage server 1.0 1.1.1 Hayq feature tomash 12/24/05
#1586 file transfer UC-8 storage server 1.1 1.1.1 Hayq feature tomash 12/24/05
#1587 create ubuntu / debian package tree packaging 1.1 1.1.1 Hayq feature sebastian 12/24/05
#839 should the playlog have entries only to audio clips, or also to playlists? scheduler server 1.1.1 Hayq minor maroy 04/20/05
#473 create an XML-RPC function for the scheduler that returns the current VU level scheduler server 1.1.2 Upomoć feature maroy 12/01/04
#1533 nice cross-fading UI gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.2 Upomoć feature fgerlits 11/06/05
#1534 hot keys for jingles gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.2 Upomoć feature fgerlits 11/06/05
#1535 advanced playlist editor gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.2 Upomoć feature fgerlits 11/06/05
#1536 add wave form preview to UI gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.2 Upomoć feature fgerlits 11/06/05
#1537 add buttons to items in the LiveMode list gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.2 Upomoć feature fgerlits 11/06/05
#1575 cue palette gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.2 Upomoć feature fgerlits 12/22/05
#1588 create debian / ubuntu package set / apt-get source tree packaging 1.1 1.1.4 Mpuma feature sebastian 12/24/05
#510 Date-related metadata for broadcast management scheduler server 1.1 1.1.x feature tomash * 12/16/04
#544 Smart Playlists storage server 1.x 1.1.x feature tomash * 01/14/05
#617 Metadata for streaming storage server 1.x 1.1.x feature tomash 03/04/05
#690 render playlist to audio file development environment 1.x 1.1.x feature maroy * 03/23/05
#722 RDS encoder storage server 1.1.x feature maroy * 03/27/05
#837 create event logging facility scheduler server 1.1.x feature maroy 04/20/05
#845 Improve scheduler management HTML UI 0.9.1 1.1.x feature sebastian * 04/21/05
#1270 Scheduler::displayNextScheduleMethod() scheduler server 1.1.x feature maroy * 07/24/05
#1376 Use of satellite audio stream scheduler server 1.x 1.1.x feature maroy 08/07/05
#1392 M3U import storage server 1.1.x feature tomash * 08/13/05
#1488 LS Station: Add uncompressed .WAV to list of supported filetypes storage server 1.0 1.1.x feature tomash 10/04/05
#1532 drag'n'drop support gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.x feature fgerlits 11/06/05
#1538 create broadcast archive storage server 1.1 1.1.x feature maroy 11/06/05
#1557 Simplified HTML UI HTML UI 1.0 1.1.x feature sebastian 12/05/05
#1558 Add a second or more channels out gLiveSupport 1.0 1.1.x feature fgerlits 12/06/05
#1559 Playlist export to XSPF and M3U storage server 1.0 1.1.x feature maroy 12/08/05
#621 Scheduled Playlists are not locked scheduler server 1.1.x major tomash * 03/07/05
#693 Playlists not locked when in use HTML UI 0.9 1.1.x major tomash * 03/23/05
#1467 investigate migrating to xmlrpc-c instead of xmlrpc++ development environment 1.0 1.1.x major maroy 09/19/05
#1473 GUI app hangs on trying to play "My first playlist" development environment 1.0 1.1.x major fgerlits 09/26/05
#1508 Live STudio won't accept password, Live Station won't launch LS-Knoppix Install CD 1.0 1.1.x major douglas 10/13/05
#1560 services are not started on the 1.0.2 live CD LS-Knoppix Install CD 1.0 1.1.x major maroy 12/09/05
#1562 Studio can not handle both outputs on the same audio device LS-Knoppix Install CD 1.0 1.1.x major douglas 12/09/05
#1563 browser -> xmms integration problem on the live CD LS-Knoppix Install CD 1.0 1.1.x major douglas 12/09/05
#1205 LS Station: 'Start Schedule' tab in the Station Settings menu HTML UI 1.0 1.1.x minor maroy 06/27/05
#1409 LS Station: HTML UI has no ability to set duration of live web streams HTML UI 1.1 1.1.x minor sebastian * 08/17/05
#1436 When transferring to another song manually in Live mode there is a 1 sec delay gLiveSupport 1.0 rc2 1.1.x minor maroy * 08/30/05
#1449 LS Studio: Clicks at beginning and end of files in Live Mode gLiveSupport 1.1.x minor maroy * 09/06/05
#1469 move all playlist handling code into the Playlist class development environment 1.0 1.1.x minor fgerlits * 09/21/05
#1497 document the storage server communication use cases End-user Documentation 1.0 1.1.x minor tomash 10/05/05
#1498 return web stream results from search storage server 1.0 1.1.x minor tomash 10/05/05
#1500 make web streams playable scheduler server 1.0 1.1.x minor maroy 10/05/05
#1503 possibility for crossfading End-user Documentation 1.0 1.1.x minor tomash 10/10/05
#1509 Live Studio will not run without Live Statio gLiveSupport 1.0 1.1.x minor fgerlits 10/13/05
#1510 provice C source coding style guidelines development environment 1.0 1.1.x minor maroy 10/14/05
#1522 GUI crashes on resize gLiveSupport 1.0 1.1.x minor fgerlits * 10/26/05
#1523 Use the localizer tool for translating glivesupport localizer 1.0.x 1.1.x minor ferenc 10/27/05
#1541 GstreamerPlayer plays only the second item in a two-item SMIL scheduler server 1.0 1.1.x minor maroy 11/07/05
#1543 Audio clip start times can not be changed in playlist editor gLiveSupport 1.0 1.1.x minor fgerlits * 11/16/05
#1546 Voice Tracking Editor function gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.x minor fgerlits 11/20/05
#1576 more gcc 4.0 warnings development environment 1.0.2 1.1.x minor maroy 12/22/05
#1597 Mass CD import script storage server 1.x 1.1.x minor tomash 01/20/06
#1612 Code change to implement GTK themes gLiveSupport 1.1 1.1.x minor fgerlits 01/26/06
#1613 GstreamerPlayer can't play on alsa device after playing on oss device scheduler server 1.0 1.1.x minor maroy 01/27/06
#696 Playlist Editor -> Change Transition menu: No explainer for 'Type' radio buttons HTML UI 0.9 1.1.x text sebastian 03/24/05
#1507 Koppix Live CD installation of station does not produce launcher LS-Knoppix Install CD 1.0 1.1.x trivial douglas 10/13/05
#1402 LS Studio: Add 'working' indicator to prevent latency complaints gLiveSupport 1.1.x tweak fgerlits * 08/16/05
#1486 Test webstream is buggy HTML UI 1.0 1.1.x tweak sebastian 10/03/05
#508 Upload/Download accounting storage server 1.1 future feature tomash 12/16/04
#509 Interface to Cream for ad management scheduler server 1.x future feature anonymous 12/16/04
#517 Playlist/file export/import storage server 1.1 future feature tomash 12/20/04
#539 Interface for group- or station-wide required metadata gLiveSupport future feature fgerlits 01/12/05
#542 Integrating workflow and notifications into LS storage server 1.x future feature tomash 01/12/05
#554 add 'schedule note' functionality to scheduler scheduler server future feature fgerlits * 01/18/05
#562 Blank playlists as placeholders scheduler server 1.x future feature maroy 01/21/05
#563 Recurring playlists storage server 1.x future feature tomash * 01/21/05
#565 Newsroom features gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 01/21/05
#566 Ad management storage server 1.x future feature tomash 01/21/05
#607 Check for new versions feature gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 02/24/05
#618 Selector search gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 03/04/05
#625 PHP libraries to access CDDB database storage server 1.x future feature tomash 03/08/05
#654 Ontology support for metadata fields storage server 1.x future feature tomash 03/08/05
#658 format-template-editor storage server 1.x future feature tomash 03/09/05
#659 playlist generator storage server future feature tomash * 03/09/05
#664 Multi Server setup storage server future feature tomash * 03/14/05
#864 Live Mode: Crossfade gLiveSupport 1.0 future feature fgerlits 04/22/05
#871 Live Mode: Item Info gLiveSupport 1.0 future feature fgerlits * 04/22/05
#936 MP now playing a playlist display playlist name gLiveSupport 0.9.1 future feature fgerlits * 05/09/05
#942 pre listen to the last 20 secondes gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 05/11/05
#951 Install CD: Dual/multiple boot LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature michael * 05/13/05
#952 Install CD: Upgrading an installation LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature michael * 05/16/05
#979 LS Studio: Allow Samba shares as valid files/folders LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature michael * 05/19/05
#990 Station HTML UI: Include log view window under 'Station settings' gLiveSupport future feature fgerlits * 05/25/05
#991 Interactive radio gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 05/26/05
#1024 Station: Add check for duplicate metadata storage server 1.x future feature tomash * 05/30/05
#1042 Install CD: Sound card config improvements LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature michael * 06/02/05
#1044 Install CD: Create script to check status/start/stop LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature michael * 06/02/05
#1055 LS Station: Sound file analysis on file input gLiveSupport future feature fgerlits 06/02/05
#1070 Playlist prioritization storage server future feature tomash * 06/02/05
#1367 play as fast as possible as now gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 08/04/05
#1381 Playing a cd in livemode gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 08/09/05
#1384 Talk radio phone-in connection gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 08/09/05
#1411 outliner feature idea gLiveSupport 1.x future feature anonymous 08/18/05
#1484 take care of overall version info End-user Documentation 1.0 future feature anonymous 10/01/05
#1550 permissions for scheduling storage server 1.0 future feature tomash 11/25/05
#1553 Add sound card driver support LS-Knoppix Install CD 2.0 future feature maroy 11/30/05
#955 Install CD: Installation hangs at 'Configure Network' LS-Knoppix Install CD future major michael * 05/16/05
#998 Install CD: Sound card choices confusing LS-Knoppix Install CD future major michael * 05/26/05
#1039 LS Station: Importing files with Arabic ID3 tags displays garbage gLiveSupport future major fgerlits * 06/01/05
#1047 Install CD: Help messages in the installer program LS-Knoppix Install CD future major douglas * 06/02/05
#1406 LS Studio: Segfault while playing file in live mode and using mass import script at same time gLiveSupport 1.0 rc2 future major fgerlits * 08/17/05
#1420 Manual: Screenshots are missing or broken End-user Documentation future major micz * 08/19/05
#547 create XML-RPC function for scheduler: getCurrentlyPlaying scheduler server future minor fgerlits * 01/18/05
#697 the pulldown navigation hides behind the subtabs of the content window HTML UI 0.9 future minor micz * 03/24/05
#947 LiveSupport Documentation LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor douglas * 05/12/05
#949 Install CD: Options for different boot settings unavailable LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor michael * 05/13/05
#953 Install CD: Restart/Shutdown hangs at eth0 LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor michael * 05/16/05
#968 LS Studio: Master Panel buttons need 'pressed' state gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/18/05
#1008 UI: More room around window borders gLiveSupport future minor fgerlits * 05/30/05
#1017 HTML UI: Master panel changes gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1018 HTML UI: Changes to tabs gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1021 HTML UI: Revisit playlist buttons in playlist editor gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1022 HTML UI: Playlist editor metadata button should become a tab gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1023 HTML UI: Add 'add file to playlist' button to playlist editor gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1025 HTML UI: Playlist editor 'fade' function needs button gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1026 HTML UI: Scratchpad indicator that file is unusable gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1027 LS Station: Saved, open playlists should appear in browse/search gLiveSupport future minor tomash * 05/30/05
#1029 HTML UI: Move scratchpad to same side in all views gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1031 LS Station and Studio: Clarify buttons and functions in Advanced Search gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/30/05
#1033 HTML UI: Redesign file info on mouse hover gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/31/05
#1034 Playlist editor should display total duration in headline gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/31/05
#1035 Scratchpad and Search/Browse: Show total durations gLiveSupport future minor charles * 05/31/05
#1041 Install CD: Change desktop background file LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor michael * 06/02/05
#1043 Install CD: Scheduler not started on boot LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor michael * 06/02/05
#1045 Install CD: Use latest Firefox LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor michael * 06/02/05
#1048 Install CD: Sample database with jingle files LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor michael * 06/02/05
#1049 Howto for using the mass import script together with Samba storage server future minor tomash * 06/02/05
#1388 LS Studio: Schedule window doesn't tell user a playlist is playing gLiveSupport future minor fgerlits * 08/12/05
#1450 Setting transition time for live mode? End-user Documentation future minor fgerlits * 09/06/05
#1455 no logo in MP upload file window gLiveSupport 1.0 rc2 future minor charles * 09/07/05
#1478 provide documentation in various sound card setups End-user Documentation 1.0 future minor anonymous 09/30/05
#1502 add machine-detectable audio tagging to broadcast files development environment 1.0 future minor maroy 10/09/05
#1517 GUI aborted on browse mode gLiveSupport 1.0 future minor ferenc 10/19/05
#731 Messages on first page and login screen development environment 0.9 future text douglas 03/30/05
#838 create complete documentation for storage XML-RPC API End-user Documentation future text tomash * 04/20/05
#978 Boot process has one blurry LS logo LS-Knoppix Install CD future trivial michael * 05/19/05
#1397 LS Studio: Cosmetic fixes gLiveSupport future trivial charles 08/15/05
#967 LS Studio: Master Panel needs bottom border gLiveSupport future tweak fgerlits * 05/18/05
#969 LS Studio: Problems with tabs gLiveSupport future tweak fgerlits * 05/18/05
#732 DarkIce for ls-demo server? scheduler server 1.x 1.1.x feature maroy * 03/30/05
#863 Master Panel: Current Playing Bar gLiveSupport 1.0 1.1.x feature fgerlits * 04/22/05
#1591 PEAR setup problem "File_Find: XML error: not well-formed" End-user Documentation 1.0 1.1.x minor tomash 01/10/06
#894 integral types and formatting bad in Core::Md5 development environment 1.1.x text maroy 04/28/05
#1175 rename / reorder bin scripts development environment 1.x 1.1.x trivial maroy * 06/16/05
#875 custom widgets need to show focus gLiveSupport 1.1.x tweak fgerlits 04/25/05
#560 Search: Fall-through to Online Music Stores storage server 1.x future feature tomash 01/20/05
#756 php does not find the postgresql extension storage server future major tomash * 04/05/05
#1354 Playable objects are not thread-safe development environment 1.0 rc future minor fgerlits * 08/02/05
#1426 tag reading of remote files does not work in gui gLiveSupport 1.0 rc2 future minor fgerlits * 08/25/05
#1223 missing minus button gLiveSupport future trivial charles * 07/01/05
#1020 HTML UI: Rounded buttons gLiveSupport future tweak charles 05/30/05
#1561 breezy issues packaging 1.0 1.1.x minor maroy 12/09/05
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.