{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (78 matches)

List tickets assigned, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#968 LS Studio: Master Panel buttons need 'pressed' state gLiveSupport future minor 05/18/05

On the master panel, the buttons need a 'pressed' state to signify whether they're on or not.

#1017 HTML UI: Master panel changes gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

In the HTML UI, the master panel should be changed to match the appearance in Charles' design, rearranging the elements to better match LiveSupport Studio.

#1018 HTML UI: Changes to tabs gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

The tabs need to be redesigned to provide better visual clues that they are active. At the same time, the background color (outside the active palette windows) should be changed to a color instead of white.

#1021 HTML UI: Revisit playlist buttons in playlist editor gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

In the playlist editor, please revisit and improve usability in the playlist editor's Save and Close buttons. Is there a way we can alter these buttons to make them more usable? Is there a way we can remove one of them?

#1022 HTML UI: Playlist editor metadata button should become a tab gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

The playlist editor's 'metadata' button should become a tab, and be renamed as 'File Info'. Changes should also be proposed to allow for improved usability in the process.

#1023 HTML UI: Add 'add file to playlist' button to playlist editor gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

In the HTML UI, a button should be added to the playlist editor that allows users to add a file from the library to the playlist. This 'browse files' button would open the search/browse window, allowing users to select the files they could add to their open playlist.

#1025 HTML UI: Playlist editor 'fade' function needs button gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

The 'fade' function in the playlist editor needs a button or other visual cue that it is clickable.

#1026 HTML UI: Scratchpad indicator that file is unusable gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

In the Scratchpad, Browse and Search modes, a playlist that is open appears as bold and crossed out. This should be changed to better indicate that a user cannot work with this playlist until it is closed - perhaps using a lock icon?

#1029 HTML UI: Move scratchpad to same side in all views gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

In all windows, the scratchpad should be on the same side of the screen. For example, in the schedule windows, the scratchpad is on the left, whereas in other windows, like the playlist editor, it is on the right. Whether it's left or right, it should be consistent.

#1031 LS Station and Studio: Clarify buttons and functions in Advanced Search gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

The 'add' button in Advanced Search is confusing, because every additional line of search criteria includes its own 'add' and 'drop' button. This should be simplified and clarified.

#1033 HTML UI: Redesign file info on mouse hover gLiveSupport future minor 05/31/05

In the HTML UI, the yellow box that appears when a user hovers the mouse over a file's icon should be redesigned. Some items in the yellow box, such as length, should be reformatted to use hh:mm:ss format, without the fractions of a second.

#1034 Playlist editor should display total duration in headline gLiveSupport future minor 05/31/05

The playlist editor, both in the Station HTML UI and in the Studio, should prominently display the total playlist duration.

#1035 Scratchpad and Search/Browse: Show total durations gLiveSupport future minor 05/31/05

In windows displaying lists of files, such as the Scratchpad and Search/Browse, the total duration of files displayed should be shown in a prominent place. When a user clicks the boxes next to files, this would calculate the total length of the selected files.

#1455 no logo in MP upload file window gLiveSupport future minor 09/07/05

There's no upload-file-logo in the left corner of the MP upload file window as in all the other MP windows

#1223 missing minus button gLiveSupport future trivial 07/01/05

For the Advanced Search window, I need an oval minus button (to replace the oval X button we have now, to remove a line of search condition). It's possible you sent it already to the list, but I can't find it, so please send them (btn_-.png and btn_-_roll.png) again.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#1047 Install CD: Help messages in the installer program LS-Knoppix Install CD future major 06/02/05

Help messages need to be written for the installer program.

#947 LiveSupport Documentation LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor 05/12/05

CD would need as much documentation as possible about using, configuring, installing (and so on ..) LiveSupport


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#554 add 'schedule note' functionality to scheduler scheduler server future feature 01/18/05

add the possibility of having 'notes' in the scheduler. a note has to following properties: - start time - end time - title (text) - contents (text) notes with themselves may not overlap, but notes and scheduled entries may overlap. (thus, it's like having two layers: a notes layer, which is consitent on its own, and a scheduled entry layer on top - with the two layers overlapping in any possible way) other than the above, notes don't trigger any event in the schedule - they are just placeholders of information. and API is needed to: - add a note - edit / update a note (move times, update content, etc) - remove a note - get notes for a given time frame - get the next note for a given time

#871 Live Mode: Item Info gLiveSupport future feature 04/22/05

When a user clicks on the 'i' button on a file in live mode, the 'file info' window will be invoked (see http://www.cbt3.com/livesupport/info.gif for its design). The file info window will display the file's metadata, and ideally will display all playlists that include the file (in future versions, possibly a use for the DCMI-terms IsReferencedBy? tag?)

#936 MP now playing a playlist display playlist name gLiveSupport future feature 05/09/05

Master pannel, now playing display's playlist-name and not the name of the items

#990 Station HTML UI: Include log view window under 'Station settings' gLiveSupport future feature 05/25/05

In the HTML UI, we should have a window to view the log file. Studio has a log view in the schedule window, so I'm pretty sure methods are available for it. A simple text window should be enough.

#1583 preferences pallette UC-7 gLiveSupport 1.1.0 Leon feature 12/24/05

Provide a nice UI for setting all possible system preferences. see wiki:UC-7

#1039 LS Station: Importing files with Arabic ID3 tags displays garbage gLiveSupport future major 06/01/05

On import of MP3 files containing ID3 information in non-Western character sets, there is a character set problem; the files are displaying in LS as garbage. The problem may be that older ID3 tag info does not set character set information, whereas ID3v2 sets the character set and supports Unicode (UTF-8). We don't know whether a user used UTF-8 or Windows Arabic to input their ID3 info. Are we detecting the character set for ID3 info, or are we always assuming Unicode?

#1406 LS Studio: Segfault while playing file in live mode and using mass import script at same time gLiveSupport future major 08/17/05

A segfault occurred while playing a file in live mode and using the mass import script at the same time. Output of the error message is below: root@chachi:/opt/livesupport/bin # ./gLiveSupport.sh using configuration file: /opt/livesupport/etc/gLiveSupport.xml using config file '/opt/livesupport/etc/gLiveSupport.xml' ./gLiveSupport.sh: line 57: 11326 Segmentation fault $gLiveSupport_exe -c $config_file

#547 create XML-RPC function for scheduler: getCurrentlyPlaying scheduler server future minor 01/18/05

please create a new XML-RPC function for the scheduler daemon, that returns the entry of the schedule that is currently playing. the function should return a null value if nothing is currently playing.

#1008 UI: More room around window borders gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

In the UI, there should be a 5px border between the outside of the window and any elements inside. See Charles' design document for specifics.

#1388 LS Studio: Schedule window doesn't tell user a playlist is playing gLiveSupport future minor 08/12/05

Currently in LS Studio, there's no way for the user to know a playlist scheduled from the scheduler is actually playing. Either we could have it appear in the 'now playing' master panel, or in the LS Studio Scheduler window, but it needs to be somewhere.

#1450 Setting transition time for live mode? End-user Documentation future minor 09/06/05

Is there a setting somewhere to set the default transition value for files in Live Mode? I can't seem to find it in gLiveSupport.xml.

#1469 move all playlist handling code into the Playlist class development environment 1.1.x minor 09/21/05

code handling the playlist descriptions (the XML format describing our plalylists) is outside of the Playlist class (as you mention, on WebStorageClient, for example). Move all such code inside Playlist (and referenced other classes, like PlaylistElement), for sake of consitency.

see the 'expert' design pattern, and low coupling.

#1522 GUI crashes on resize gLiveSupport 1.1.x minor 10/26/05

If I try to resize those GUI windows without frame, the application chrashes in the moment i click the arrows in the lower-right corner.

Message on shell: Gdk-ERROR **: file gdkwindow-x11.c: line 5498 (create_moveresize_window): assertion failed: (mv_resize->moveresize_emulation_window == NULL) aborting... /opt/livesupport/bin/gLiveSupport.sh: line 57: 1625 Abgebrochen $gLiveSupport_exe -c $config_file

#1543 Audio clip start times can not be changed in playlist editor gLiveSupport 1.1.x minor 11/16/05

The only way to change the start times of audio clips in the SimplePlaylistManagementWindow? in by moving them up/down; the values in the "starting time" column are not editable.

Also: entering a fade-out-fade-in value does not make the clips overlap. It's not clear if it should, but probably yes.

#967 LS Studio: Master Panel needs bottom border gLiveSupport future tweak 05/18/05

The master panel should have a border - at least for the bottom as the other windows; without it, it is very difficult to gauge where it is, especially when it's above a web page with a lot of white.

#969 LS Studio: Problems with tabs gLiveSupport future tweak 05/18/05

The tabs at the top of the search/browse window have a number of problems. - They're floating in an awkward position. - They move from centered in the browse window to right-aligned in the search and 1/3 aligned in the advanced search. - Two tabs remain darkened occasionally, especially when clicking one tab after another. - The same problem with floating tabs exists in the file upload window.

#1402 LS Studio: Add 'working' indicator to prevent latency complaints gLiveSupport 1.1.x tweak 08/16/05

Because some of the requests between LS Studio and LS Station take a while to process, some users may get the impression that nothing is going on. In the LS Studio palettes, some visual indicator that a request is being processed might help prevent complaints about latency. The indicator could be like Firefox's 'loading' icon, or the rotating globe in IE, or could even be a smaller version of the animated GIF that the HTML UI uses. Regardless, we should give the user some indication - even if it's plain text - that the system is working.

#863 Master Panel: Current Playing Bar gLiveSupport 1.1.x feature 04/22/05

A progress bar that will visually present the current position of the file playback, as a percentage of the entire file length. See the Parsons UI sketches for visual guidelines.

#1354 Playable objects are not thread-safe development environment future minor 08/02/05

Playable objects permit concurrent writing by two threads. In fact, the object breaks when one thread tries to write it while another thread is reading it. For example, <code> GLiveSupport gLiveSupport; Ptr<Playable>::Ref playable; // ... gLiveSupport.playOutputAudio(playable); gLiveSupport.setNowPlaying(playable); </code> does not work, because playOutputAudio() starts a new thread in which the Playable object gets modified (stores the acquire token).

#1426 tag reading of remote files does not work in gui gLiveSupport future minor 08/25/05

If the file to be uploaded in the Studio GUI is in a mounted samba directory, then the Taglib tag reading functions (including playlength) do not work. If the same file is copied to a local folder, it can be read fine.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#690 render playlist to audio file development environment 1.1.x feature 03/23/05

render a playlist into an audio file (store a playlist as a single file as well, as it is heard when played)

original description:

When a user right-clicks a sound file in the HTML UI's scratchpad, one of the options that appears in the context-sensitive menu 'Preview'. If a user selects a playlist, the system ideally would send the entire playlist - including fades - as a single file.

#722 RDS encoder storage server 1.1.x feature 03/27/05

Can we create a Radio Data System (RDS) client/interface. RDS stands for Radio Data System, a service to transmit additional information in the form of encoded digital signals that can be decoded by an RDS-capable car radio. Many of today's modern car radios are RDS-capable. If you own a car where the radio shows the station name and/or song and artist title on a small screen, then you probably have RDS in your car. It's displays the song title and artist name of the currently-playing song, but also information like weather, commercials and headlines. RDS is be based on the Universal Encoder Communication Protocol from the EBU, version 5.1. A pdf of the UECP specs at, ftp://ftp.rds.org.uk/pub/acrobat/s490e51.pdf from the RDS forum http://www.rds.org.uk/rds98/rds98.htm Found the library for Linux at http://thomas.apestaart.org/projects/libuecp/ STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Software Required: C GLib 2.0 perl Project CVS Repository: http://savannah.nongnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/libuecp/ Home page: http://thomas.apestaart.org/log/index.php?cat=0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: libuecp is a C library with a perl module around it that implements the UECP-490 protocol. This protocol describes communication with an RDS encoder. An RDS encoder is a piece of FM broadcast equipment that is responsible for multiplexing the RDS signal (which transports ancillary radio data, like traffic announcement, station identification, and so on) with the actual FM signal to be transmitted.

#1270 Scheduler::displayNextScheduleMethod() scheduler server 1.1.x feature 07/24/05

To retrive next playlist which will be played, it would be nice to have direct method for it. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Currently I use Scheduler::displayScheduleMethod() with actual time to retrive playlist which is playing for current/next clip info box. But there is no safe way to retrive next playlist, I would have to gamble (next hour, next day, next week ...)

#1434 When the scheduled playlist starts, it is not possible to stop it. scheduler server 1.1.0 Leon feature 08/30/05

When the scheduled playlist starts, it is not possible to stop it (turn off, delete, or anything else), untill it completely finish with playing. If there has been some mistake in the program, we can't turn the playlist off, or edit its time afterwards. We can only plug the complete system out.

#879 debian package dependencies removed for livesupport-station and livesupport-studio pacakges packaging 1.0.2 minor 04/26/05

for some reason, the DEBIAN/control files are missing dependency information for the livesupport-station and livesupport-studio packages, though dependencies are properly defined for them in the source debian/control file...

#1436 When transferring to another song manually in Live mode there is a 1 sec delay gLiveSupport 1.1.x minor 08/30/05

When transferring to another song manually in Live mode, while the previous one is still playing in the program, there is a delay (about 1 sec of silence) showing up directly in broadcast during this operation. Seems to me this also happens when one song ends and another one begins automatically in Live mode. Songs must transfer "smoothly" in the program (with or without fadein and fadeout), but without silence between them.

#1449 LS Studio: Clicks at beginning and end of files in Live Mode gLiveSupport 1.1.x minor 09/06/05

In Live Mode, there are sometimes audible clicks at the beginning and end of files. This usually happens as the files are being loaded or unloaded. What's odd is that it isn't consistently happening. Is there any filter that could be applied in the first 1 seconds to suppress sudden waveform spikes?

#732 DarkIce for ls-demo server? scheduler server 1.1.x feature 03/30/05

A DarkIce? installation, paired with a how-to for doing it, might make for a pretty attractive addition to the LS feature set. I could see a number of places where having such an install would make things a lot easier: - Preview entire playlist - Preview transition - Preview file - Listen to station's output Low priority, naturally, but still...

#1175 rename / reorder bin scripts development environment 1.1.x trivial 06/16/05

Now we have 17 scripts in the root bin directory, can we rename / reorder the scripts to a more logical name. Can we have a better explaining what the script will do? It's for cvs install, It's for distribution install. Is it a idea to create directory's to make it more clear?


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#951 Install CD: Dual/multiple boot LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature 05/13/05

The current install process only installs to a prepared partition, but doesn't allow for dual or multiple boots. I know LILO supports such things, and am wondering if there's an easy way to handle it within the context of the installer as it's made currently.

#952 Install CD: Upgrading an installation LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature 05/16/05

Users should have the option to upgrade a LiveSupport installation via a newer Install CD; in such a scenario, the install program would search for an LS program (probably either LS Studio or one of the LS station components) and retrieve its version info. If the install CD is newer than the installed version, the users should have the ability to upgrade the installation. Does the HD install keep the LiveSupport .debs anywhere on the hard disk? Those might be the easiest for comparing the versions.

#979 LS Studio: Allow Samba shares as valid files/folders LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature 05/19/05

On the LS Install CD, LS Studio crashes when a user tries to open a Samba share item or its symlink. Samba share objects (files, folders, or their symlinks) should be treated as valid Linux directories for the File Upload window. I know that Konqueror correctly handles this behavior, but Midnight Commander does not. This would be especially helpful for use with the multiple file upload script Tomas Hlava has written; if it worked, a user could use their Windows PC as the source directory for multiple file upload, thereby greatly simplifying the process for the end user.

#1042 Install CD: Sound card config improvements LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature 06/02/05

On the install CD, the installer dialogue that asks which sound card should be used for which parts of output should also run a test to try sending sound signals to the card. Such a function would allow users to better understand which sound card maps to which /dev/dsp address. In addition, verbose names for the sound cards should be used instead of /dev/dsp0, 1, 2 and 3. A final improvement would allow the user to optionally input notes on which sound card is which. The notes could then be referred to in the rest of the program.

#1044 Install CD: Create script to check status/start/stop LS-Knoppix Install CD future feature 06/02/05

A script to communicate with the Scheduler to allow the user to check its status, or to start or stop it should be created, and added to the KDE menu. Ideally this would be in a GUI, but can be a command line window if necessary.

#955 Install CD: Installation hangs at 'Configure Network' LS-Knoppix Install CD future major 05/16/05

The install program hangs at the 'Configure Network' option when a user selects 'Yes' at the 'Use DHCP broadcast' dialog. This may be caused by our network configuration in the office, and the DHCP may be trapped by our firewall. In any case, there is no timeout, and the entire install program hangs.

#998 Install CD: Sound card choices confusing LS-Knoppix Install CD future major 05/26/05

In the install CD, while it's good to have a soundcard config during the install process, the choices assume you know which sound card is at which dsp address. The options given are: /dsp0 /dsp1 /dsp2 /dsp3 If there was at least the names of the modules detected (YMPCXG, INTELAC5, etc.) this would give the user a slight idea of which card is at which address, but otherwise, they'll still have to go in and edit scheduler.xml and possibly other config files.

#949 Install CD: Options for different boot settings unavailable LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor 05/13/05

The traditional Knoppix boot options are admittedly confusing to a non-technical person, but we should think of a way to call them up if needed. Currently the only options are Linux and Linux 2.6-1. The problem came up in my case after installing to the hard disk, when I had to change monitors, but cannot edit my XF86 monitor refresh rate because it automatically brings up KDE, causing my monitor to stop working.

#953 Install CD: Restart/Shutdown hangs at eth0 LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor 05/16/05

During restart or shutdown, the shutdown procedure hangs after sending the KILL signal at eth0. Is this a problem specific to my own computer?

#1041 Install CD: Change desktop background file LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor 06/02/05

Please change the desktop background file to the file enclosed here.

#1043 Install CD: Scheduler not started on boot LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor 06/02/05

In live CD mode, when a user tries to start the LiveSupport Studio program they only get an error message that says the program could not connect to the scheduler. This is because the scheduler, Apache and Postgres are not started at boot time.

#1045 Install CD: Use latest Firefox LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor 06/02/05

On the install CD, please use the latest version of Firefox. At the current time (2 June 2005) this would be 1.0.4

#1048 Install CD: Sample database with jingle files LS-Knoppix Install CD future minor 06/02/05

A sample database containing jingle files and other Creative Commons- licensed content should be used as the default database installation. This sample database should be presented as an option for a user to install on the install program; if a user does not want to install it, they will get a clean database. Robert Klajn will provide the sample files.

#978 Boot process has one blurry LS logo LS-Knoppix Install CD future trivial 05/19/05

During boot, there is one blurry LS logo that appears against a sky- blue background. Would it be possible to replace that logo with one of higher quality? I think it's in X, because the one for the KDE startup looks great.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#1420 Manual: Screenshots are missing or broken End-user Documentation future major 08/19/05

The end-user manual at https://www.campware.org/manuals/livesupport/1.0/index.php has broken images instead of screenshots.

#697 the pulldown navigation hides behind the subtabs of the content window HTML UI future minor 03/24/05

needs to be resolved in the CSS. don't know how, will ask around. finished for version 1.0


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#845 Improve scheduler management HTML UI 1.1.x feature 04/21/05

- functionality "add after last playlist" needet. - check if a gap is too small to add an playlist

#1409 LS Station: HTML UI has no ability to set duration of live web streams HTML UI 1.1.x minor 08/17/05

Please leave this for 1.1, but I wanted to write the report as I came across it. - doug When a user specifies a live stream to be added to the media library, they type '0 seconds' for the duration. However, at both the playlist editor and at the scheduler, there is no way to specify an end to a live stream. I suppose the most logical place for specifying the length of a live stream would be in the in the playlist editor; this would require us to first check to see if a live web stream has been added to the playlist in question, or if it is part of another playlist being added recursively. We will then have to somehow specify either the end time or duration of the live stream in question. The other option is that instead of putting '0' in the duration to specify the fact that it is live, users would pull down 'live web stream' from a stream type pulldown. Then they would set a duration, with the a maximum duration allowed being something like 24h.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#510 Date-related metadata for broadcast management scheduler server 1.1.x feature 12/16/04

In order to create better automation of especially ad content, the schedule daemon should check date-related metadata to make sure the file hasn't passed it's 'do not play after' date. As discussed at the LS developers' meeting in December, this will help to avoid situations where ads or promos run after the event, as happened with MTV promoting the Roma 2004 MTV awards more than three weeks after it happened. Such a feature could either throw an error or a warning when a file is added to a playlist that has passed its pull date, allowing playlist creators to override the warning if necessary.

#544 Smart Playlists storage server 1.1.x feature 01/14/05

The smart playlists feature would allow users to set metadata criteria in the place of specific file information; instead of setting a music playlist song by song, a user could specify all songs where genre is country and bpm is above 100. The smart playlist feature would also allow for random play. Because a smart playlist would not have a known length, the playlist would only play from it for a user- specified amount of time, fading out and moving on to the next playlist at the end time. Smart playlists therefore combine some aspects of search/browse with playlist functionality. For some inspiration, see how iTunes handles smart playlists.

#563 Recurring playlists storage server future feature 01/21/05

Users should have the ability to set playlists - or maybe their symbolic links? - as recurring. With such a feature, a user could schedule: - a news broadcast for the top of the hour - a two- minute ad block at :43 past the hour - a DJ's show every morning from 6 to 9 am - a talkshow every Sunday at noon - a public affairs show on the first Monday of every month (not so important) Recurring shows would appear in the schedule view for as long as is specified when the item was last changed. An additional button in the playlist info window would display a menu with users' options.

#659 playlist generator storage server future feature 03/09/05

Can we create a playlist generator to generate a playlist of music, jingles, commercials and the news at top of hour. The rule for generating a playlist are set witin a format template, from the format-template-editor.

#664 Multi Server setup storage server future feature 03/14/05

This is be not a real situatios, but its be possible one. Can we create a multi location - StorageServer? setup. Five national radio stations are comparing news items. All stations have there own local LivesSupport? Scheduler running. They all have a DSL internet connection. The system administrator will create a shared directory on the Paris-StorageServer?, share/paris. A item placed in the paris share will automatic distribute, with no action or interruption, to the remote Nice-StorageServer?. From Paris to Nice and from Nice to Paris The same for the other StorageServers? like share/nice, share..etc..etc. Within the paris share on the Nice- Storage server i can find the items from paris. Within the nice share on the Paris-Storage server i can find the items from nice. I am talking about five locations, so there will be five shares.

#1024 Station: Add check for duplicate metadata storage server future feature 05/30/05

On file upload, mainly in the mass import script, the system should check the StorageServer? to see if a file with identical (or relatively similar) metadata exists already in the system. If it does exist (for example, if someone has already uploaded a song), a dialog should appear warning the user and providing the option of cancelling, or ignoring all such warnings (Cancel, Continue, Ignore All)

#1070 Playlist prioritization storage server future feature 06/02/05

Playlist files should be given a prioritization value in metadata to assist in scheduling conflicts. For example, playlist files with highest priority cannot be overwritten by other playlists.

#1392 M3U import storage server 1.1.x feature 08/13/05

Users should be able to upload M3U playlists, which would then be parsed and converted to LiveSupport's SMIL playlist format. Such a feature would have to check to see if the MP3 or Ogg files referenced by the M3U playlist exist in the LS database; if not, the user should be prompted to add them.

#621 Scheduled Playlists are not locked scheduler server 1.1.x major 03/07/05

After adding an Playlist to Scheduler, I can edit/delete this Playlist.

#693 Playlists not locked when in use HTML UI 1.1.x major 03/23/05

Two people can currently open the same playlist at the same time. This should be prevented by Alib, which should send an error saying "This playlist cannot be opened for editing because it is being used by [user]". Some changes can be made concurrently, but it is inconsistent. For example, I was able to make changes in metadata at the same time as Sebastian was making changes in transitions. But when I tried to change the transition, I got an error message saying 'ChangeFadeInfo? failed.'

#1027 LS Station: Saved, open playlists should appear in browse/search gLiveSupport future minor 05/30/05

Activated playlists should appear in browse and search, giving the user the ability to see if it appears in the library. If it does show up, then the user can contact the person working with the file to release it. In addition, the search method should include an additional field that returns the playlist's status: locked or unlocked.

#1049 Howto for using the mass import script together with Samba storage server future minor 06/02/05

With the mass import script, it would be extremely helpful to write a HOWTO explaining how to use Samba in addition to the mass import script, for users seeking to migrate MP3 files off their Windows-based computers over a LAN.

#838 create complete documentation for storage XML-RPC API End-user Documentation future text 04/20/05

create a complete documentation for the storage XML-RPC API, including the format of the files (especially playlist files) passed to and from the storage.

#756 php does not find the postgresql extension storage server future major 04/05/05

On a fresh install of livesupport, in modules/storageServer, when I run 'make check', I get the error message 'unable to load php_pgsql.so' (see log below).

I do have the postgresql extension installed, but in the Mandrake 10.1 package, the file is called /usr/lib/php/extensions/pgsql.so, not php_pgsql.so.

After I created a symlink php_pgsql.so -> pgsql.so, it has been working fine.


$ make check  
./var/stor ./var/access ./var/trans ./var/stor/buffer
#StorageServer step 1:  
# root URL: http://localhost:80/livesupportStorageServer  
# webspace mapping test:  
#  mod_php : /home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/install  
#  install : /home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/install
# mapping OK  
# group running http daemon: apache  
mkdir ./var/stor
mkdir ./var/access  
mkdir ./var/trans  
mkdir ./var/stor/buffer  
#Directories setup finished OK  
cd var/install; php -q install.php
#StorageServer step 2:  
# trying uninstall ...  
# Install ...  
# Testing ...  
# testlog:  
# BasicStor::test: OK  
# Delete test data ...
#storageServer main: OK  
# Install Transport submodule ...  
# Install Prefs submodule ...  
#storageServer submodules: OK    
make -C ../archiveServer all  
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/archiveServer'  
./var/stor ./var/access ./var/trans ./var/stor/buffer  
# archiveServer root URL: http://localhost:80/livesupportArchiveServer  
# group running http daemon: apache  
mkdir ./var/stor  
mkdir ./var/access
mkdir ./var/trans  
mkdir ./var/stor/buffer  
# Directories setup finished OK  
cd var/install; php -q install.php  
# archiveServer step 2:  
# trying uninstall ...  
# Install ...  
# Testing ...  
# testlog:
# BasicStor::test: OK  
# Delete test data ...  
#archiveServer install: OK    
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/archiveServer'
# storageServer XMLRPC URL: http://localhost:80/livesupportStorageServer/xmlrpc/xrLocStor.php
#XMLRPC: storage test  
# login: xr_cli_test.php: ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 dl(): 
Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/extensions/php_pgsql.so'
/usr/lib/php/extensions/php_pgsql.so: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory (/usr/share/pear/PEAR.php:726) 805  
make: *** [testonly] Error 1

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.