{7} My Tickets (12 matches)

This report demonstrates the use of the automatically set $USER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the logged in user when executed.


Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Severity Priority Created
#509 Interface to Cream for ad management scheduler server 1.x future feature normal 12/16/04
#565 Newsroom features gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 01/21/05
#607 Check for new versions feature gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 02/24/05
#618 Selector search gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 03/04/05
#942 pre listen to the last 20 secondes gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 05/11/05
#991 Interactive radio gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 05/26/05
#1367 play as fast as possible as now gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 08/04/05
#1381 Playing a cd in livemode gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 08/09/05
#1384 Talk radio phone-in connection gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 08/09/05
#1411 outliner feature idea gLiveSupport 1.x future feature normal 08/18/05
#1484 take care of overall version info End-user Documentation 1.0 future feature normal 10/01/05
#1478 provide documentation in various sound card setups End-user Documentation 1.0 future minor normal 09/30/05
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