Fri May 27 15:22:46 2005

Ticket #1000 (Closed: fixed)

Problems with XML-RPC or StorageServer?

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: major Assigned to: tomash
Component: LiveSupport Station Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone:   Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

There are apparently problems with the XML-RPC module, becuause when I try to - upload a file in Studio - save system prefs - upload a file in station The system is returning errors: LS Studio (on file upload): cannot execute XML-RPC method 'locstor storeAudioClipOpen' LS Station (on saving system settings): "Error saving system preferences" LS Station (on file upload): "Warning: mkd ir(/opt/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/../../storageServer/var/stor /56f): No such file or directory in /opt/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 666 Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /opt/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 666 Warning: mkdir(/opt/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/../../storageSer ver/var/stor/56f): No such file or directory in /opt/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 666 Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /opt/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 666"



Fri May 27 17:42:29 2005: Modified by tomash

    The storageServer seems not to be fully installed - at least the was not run and 'stor' directory is not exists. Was it installed as debian package or from tarballs? I will try to discover why the installation was incomplete ...

    Fri May 27 17:59:19 2005: Modified by douglas

      This was pulled down from the CVS, tarballed and then turned into Debian packages. Nothing else was changed; I wouldn't know how to anyway...

      Fri May 27 18:22:33 2005: Modified by tomash

      • resolution set to fixed
      • status changed from assigned to closed

      There was probably missing call to storageServer's in install scripts. I've added appropriate section to

      Add/Change #1000 (Problems with XML-RPC or StorageServer?)

      Change Properties
