Fri May 27 15:38:08 2005

Ticket #1001 (Closed: fixed)

LS Station: Increase default php.ini settings

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: major Assigned to: tomash
Component: LiveSupport Station Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0 rc2 Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

On a fresh installation of LS Station, php.ini is set to an absurdly small 2 megs. This should be increased to something larger, say, 100M if feasible, but at least 20M.



Fri May 27 17:07:43 2005: Modified by tomash

    Do you mean maximum length of uploaded files? There are 3 values related to it (and their relation): upload_max_filesize < post_max_size < memory_limit (defaults: 2M, 8M, 8M) The first two can be probably changed locally in .htaccess, but the third not. => we have to force installing admin to change system-wide php.ini (or do the php.ini changes it in install scripts, but I don't like it).

    Fri May 27 17:20:29 2005: Modified by douglas

      I think it's upload_max_filesize that is causing us problems for file upload. I don't know if the other two have to be changed at the same time as well.

      Mon Jun 6 22:35:07 2005: Modified by Robert Klajn

        upload_max_size in php.ini should be increased to 16M. In b92 that value is default and it is enough, we were thinking about 32M but we didn't need it that big.

        Tue Jun 14 20:07:37 2005: Modified by douglas

          php.ini is still not changed, at least not in Debian packages. Also, it is unclear which php.ini needs to be changed. Is it the CLI php.ini or the Apache php.ini?

          Thu Jun 16 00:14:37 2005: Modified by tomash

          • status changed from assigned to closed

          Thu Jun 16 00:14:38 2005: Modified by tomash

          • resolution set to fixed

          The LiveSupport apache config added: etc/apache/90_php_livesupport.conf it contains only increased upload_max_filesize value now. Install scripts will try to install it and reload apache.

          Fri Aug 26 14:00:02 2005: Modified by douglas

          • milestone set to 1.0 rc2

          Add/Change #1001 (LS Station: Increase default php.ini settings)

          Change Properties
