Mon May 30 17:44:12 2005

Ticket #1024 (assigned)

Station: Add check for duplicate metadata

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: feature Assigned to: tomash (accepted)
Component: storage server Status: assigned
Version: 1.x Resolution:  
Milestone: future Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

On file upload, mainly in the mass import script, the system should check the StorageServer? to see if a file with identical (or relatively similar) metadata exists already in the system. If it does exist (for example, if someone has already uploaded a song), a dialog should appear warning the user and providing the option of cancelling, or ignoring all such warnings (Cancel, Continue, Ignore All)



Tue Oct 4 15:17:15 2005: Modified by maroy

  • description changed.
  • component changed from server feature to storageServer
  • milestone changed from 1.x to future

Sun Oct 9 03:04:03 2005: Modified by tomash

    Checking metadata for similarity seems to be unreliable IMO, e.g. remix of song have very similar (or the same) metadata.

    Would the check if exactly the same audioClip already stored be enough? (#1366*)

    Add/Change #1024 (Station: Add check for duplicate metadata)

    Change Properties
