Mon May 30 18:08:23 2005

Ticket #1029 (assigned)

HTML UI: Move scratchpad to same side in all views

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: minor Assigned to: charles (accepted)
Component: gLiveSupport Status: assigned
Version:   Resolution:  
Milestone: future Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

In all windows, the scratchpad should be on the same side of the screen. For example, in the schedule windows, the scratchpad is on the left, whereas in other windows, like the playlist editor, it is on the right. Whether it's left or right, it should be consistent.



Thu Jun 2 15:58:59 2005: Modified by sebastian

  • owner changed from sebastian to douglas

Thu Jun 2 15:59:57 2005: Modified by sebastian

    I changed appearance, but due to the inconsistent width of scheduler content area it is not really good now.

    Tue Jun 7 17:01:45 2005: Modified by douglas

    • owner changed from douglas to charles

    Tue Jun 7 17:10:38 2005: Modified by charles

      can you be more specific? what doesn't look good? - i just looked at it on firefox osx and it looks good there.

      Tue Jun 7 22:11:18 2005: Modified by douglas

        The problem is that the ScratchPad? jumps from the left side of the screen in some places to the right. Personally, I'd like to see it stay in once consistent place.

        Tue Jun 7 22:13:40 2005: Modified by charles

          yes i agree. but i saw it this morning and it looks like sebastian moved it over to the right side like on all the other screens. and it looks good to me. but apparently there is a problem with it? but as i said, from where i'm sitting it looks right.

          Tue Oct 4 16:38:37 2005: Modified by maroy

          • description changed.
          • component changed from LiveSupport Station to gLiveSupport
          • milestone set to future

          Add/Change #1029 (HTML UI: Move scratchpad to same side in all views)

          Change Properties
