Sat Jul 23 19:27:38 2005

Ticket #1269 (Closed: fixed)

Need to retrive metadata without authentication

Priority: urgent Reporter: sebastian
Severity: feature Assigned to: tomash
Component: server feature Status: closed
Version: 1.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0 Keywords:  

Description by sebastian:

For current/next clip infobox we need some way to retrive metadata record for ls:title without authentification. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Scheduler::DisplayScheduleMethod() and GreenBox?::displayPlaylistClipAtOffset() already working fine without valid authentication, but GreenBox?::getMetadataValue() not.



Sat Jul 23 19:27:50 2005: Modified by sebastian

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to tomash

Sun Jul 24 14:02:12 2005: Modified by sebastian

    Easy and clean way would be to enhance result of GreenBox?::displayPlaylistClipAtOffset() with title information.

    Sun Jul 24 14:52:02 2005: Modified by tomash

      Yes - it's commited now. But I'm going to next step now - provide optional parameters $lang and $deflang to displayPlaylistClipAtOffset method, because title is language dependent. (now the title is retrieved with default NULL values in lang params)

      Sun Jul 24 15:14:42 2005: Modified by tomash

      • resolution set to fixed
      • status changed from assigned to closed

      Params lang and deflang added.

      Tue Jul 26 12:55:31 2005: Modified by sebastian

        Thanks, it works fine. (In storageServer documentation title is not listed as pert of result array.)

        Tue Jul 26 12:55:32 2005: Modified by sebastian

        • milestone set to 1.0

        Add/Change #1269 (Need to retrive metadata without authentication)

        Change Properties
