Mon Jul 25 18:07:39 2005

Ticket #1271 (Closed: fixed)

remove non-executable files marked with the executable flag from the CVS

Priority: normal Reporter: maroy
Severity: tweak Assigned to: sebastian
Component: bug Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0.1 Keywords:  

Description by maroy:

a lot of files in modules/htmlUI are +x, even though they are simple php files, thus should be marked executable...



Tue Jul 26 12:38:03 2005: Modified by sebastian

    I changed mode to 775 for folders and 664 for files, would this be right? How can I submit permissions information to CVS?

    Tue Jul 26 15:59:30 2005: Modified by maroy

      AFAIK the only way to do this is to remove files and re-add them... :(

      Thu Aug 18 14:31:57 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • status changed from assigned to new

      This will be fixed in subversion then.

      Thu Sep 29 16:02:18 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • description changed.
      • resolution set to fixed
      • milestone set to 1.0.1
      • status changed from new to closed

      Permissions are fine now on svn.

      Add/Change #1271 (remove non-executable files marked with the executable flag from the CVS)

      Change Properties
