Tue Aug 16 15:30:06 2005

Ticket #1402 (assigned)

LS Studio: Add 'working' indicator to prevent latency complaints

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: tweak Assigned to: fgerlits (accepted)
Component: gLiveSupport Status: assigned
Version:   Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

Because some of the requests between LS Studio and LS Station take a while to process, some users may get the impression that nothing is going on. In the LS Studio palettes, some visual indicator that a request is being processed might help prevent complaints about latency. The indicator could be like Firefox's 'loading' icon, or the rotating globe in IE, or could even be a smaller version of the animated GIF that the HTML UI uses. Regardless, we should give the user some indication - even if it's plain text - that the system is working.



Tue Oct 4 16:49:14 2005: Modified by maroy

  • description changed.
  • component changed from LiveSupport Studio to gLiveSupport
  • milestone set to future

Tue Oct 4 20:25:13 2005: Modified by fgerlits

  • milestone changed from future to 1.1

I have been experimenting with adding an hourglass cursor, which should be possible, but haven't succeeded yet. Estimate: couple days.

Add/Change #1402 (LS Studio: Add 'working' indicator to prevent latency complaints)

Change Properties
