Fri Aug 19 13:25:45 2005

Ticket #1419 (Closed: fixed)

PEAR package seems buggy

Priority: low Reporter: sebastian
Severity: block Assigned to: sebastian
Component: bug Status: closed
Version: 1.0 rc2 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0.1 Keywords:  

Description by sebastian:

Using PEAR in livesupport-install-path it causes: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class xml_util in /opt/livesupport/lib/pear/XML/Util.php on line 92 Using system PEAR packages this is fine.



Fri Aug 19 13:26:15 2005: Modified by sebastian

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to sebastian

Fri Aug 19 13:28:00 2005: Modified by sebastian

    This occours in localizer: http://SERVER/livesupport/htmlUI/localizer Renaming INSTALL_PATH/lib/pear will work if needet packages are on the system.

    Fri Aug 19 18:59:16 2005: Modified by douglas

    • milestone set to 1.0 rc2

    Thu Sep 22 09:37:06 2005: Modified by maroy

    • description changed.
    • milestone changed from 1.0 rc2 to 1.0.1

    is this still an issue?

    Thu Sep 29 15:55:28 2005: Modified by sebastian

    • resolution set to fixed
    • status changed from assigned to closed

    Was just a mismatch between system pear libs and those which coming with livesupport. setting include_path in localizer.

    Add/Change #1419 (PEAR package seems buggy)

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