Fri Aug 26 21:27:58 2005

Ticket #1432 (Closed: fixed)

LS Studio: Pause has small delay, the audio file seems like "slipping"

Priority: normal Reporter: Robert Klajn
Severity: minor Assigned to: maroy
Component: bug Status: closed
Version: 1.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0.1 Keywords:  

Description by Robert Klajn:

Seems to me that files start playing with the very small (insignificant) delay, but the Pause is working with some bigger delay both in preview function and in program Live mode function. I can tell that Pause is simply "slipping" and has slow fadeout (it should be faster).



Wed Sep 21 18:46:03 2005: Modified by maroy

  • description changed.
  • milestone changed from 1.0 to 1.0.1

is this still an issue with the final 1.0?

Fri Sep 23 17:34:53 2005: Modified by maroy

  • owner changed from anonymous to maroy

Thu Sep 29 18:17:39 2005: Modified by maroy

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from new to closed

pause delay in unrecognizably slow for me...

Add/Change #1432 (LS Studio: Pause has small delay, the audio file seems like "slipping")

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