Tue Aug 30 23:10:09 2005

Ticket #1437 (Closed: fixed)

All file durations should be rounded up , without decimals

Priority: normal Reporter: Robert Klajn
Severity: minor Assigned to: fgerlits
Component: gLiveSupport Status: closed
Version: 1.0 rc2 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords:  

Description by Robert Klajn:

All file durations and time should be rounded up without decimals (and not six, like now),because we are not editing samples, but playing them. There should be hours:minutes:seconds (like 00:03:50) But if we really must make it more aesthetic, there should be two decimals maximum (00:03:50,47), although it has no function.



Wed Aug 31 09:44:03 2005: Modified by douglas

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to fgerlits

Mon Sep 5 09:59:00 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    Can you say where you need this to be changed? In some places, we do use a hh:mm:ss format without decimals (e.g., elapsed/remaining). For example, 6 decimals are OK in the playlist editor window, right? Or should I reduce that to 2 as well? And do you really mean always rounded up? Should 00:02:03.000001 be displayed as 00:02:04?

    Wed Sep 7 09:33:40 2005: Modified by Robert Klajn

      Personally, I like more decimals, more numbers; it seems more precise in case we can use it somewhere, of course. But unfortunately, for now, these number of decimals is not usefull for us at all, and it looks really confusing seeing the number 00:03:48:243564 on our main screens. As for the Master Panel- it`s ok. We have here only hh:mm:ss format. Let's say that decimals are ok in Playlist editor, but I really don't see their purpose because I cannot use them in scheduling and editing. Let's stay on two decimals here, for example, just to create the impression that we really take care about every frame, like 00:04:35.23 (I would rather place a single dot or a coma instead of two dots between seconds and decimals). This goes also for the popup baloon that represents playlist info (its duration, name, creator...) Question about rounding up numbers- As you can assume, I would rather vote for this solution in duration display. I am not a programmer, so I don't really know if the rounded format represents any problem during mixing, calculating playlist duration or broadcast scheduling? If this is not so big problem, I would rather go for the rounded up format.

      Wed Sep 7 10:24:24 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        OK, 2 decimals in playlist editor, no decimals everywhere else. This is not an issue for the program itself, because 6 decimals are used internally always; it doesn't matter how we round the time values when we display them. I was asking about the rounding because your request sounds very strange to me. The normal way is, of course, to round .000001 to .499999 down, and .5 to .999999 up.

        Thu Sep 22 09:26:10 2005: Modified by maroy

        • description changed.
        • resolution set to fixed
        • status changed from assigned to closed

        Thu Sep 22 10:21:23 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        • resolution cleared
        • milestone changed from 1.0 rc2 to 1.1
        • status changed from closed to reopened

        Nope, not done yet. "OK" meant only that now I understand what Robert wants me to do. :)

        Tue Oct 4 15:40:58 2005: Modified by maroy

        • component changed from gui feature to gLiveSupport
        • milestone changed from 1.1 to future

        Tue Oct 4 20:09:00 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        • milestone changed from future to 1.1

        Thu Nov 3 20:44:45 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        • resolution set to fixed
        • status changed from reopened to closed

        Fixed; see [1787].

        All length displays are of the hh:mm:ss format now, rounded to the nearest second.

        Add/Change #1437 (All file durations should be rounded up , without decimals)

        Change Properties
