Tue Oct 4 12:20:09 2005

Ticket #1487

LS Studio: Audio player error on file playback

Priority: normal Reporter: doug
Severity: major Assigned to: akos
Component: gLiveSupport Status: new
Version: 1.0.1 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.0.2 Keywords:  

Description by doug:

In 1.0.1, I'm getting an error when trying to play files in LS Studio. The files do not play, and the following error message is shown:

Audio player error: Can't open URL file:///opt/livesupport/var/LiveSupport/storageServer/var/../../var/access/51d6ae4535d01518.ogg



Tue Oct 4 15:53:27 2005: Modified by maroy

  • component changed from LiveSupport Studio to gLiveSupport

Tue Oct 4 20:01:42 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    Is that file there? Can you play it manually with ogg123 or some other application?

    Thu Oct 6 11:13:08 2005: Modified by doug

      To quote Bill Clinton, "it depends on your definition of 'is'". The player is looking for a file in this location:


      There is a file in this directory by that name, but it is a symlink to: /opt/livesupport/var/LiveSupport/storageServer/var/../../storageServer/var/stor/7c5/7c5d34cfa4d62c69

      There is a file at that location, but without an .ogg extension; there is also a file with the same name but with an .xml extension in that location.

      When I try to play the file in aplay, I get this info and an unlistenable file: Playing raw data '7c5d34cfa4d62c69' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono

      However, the file plays correctly in xmms and Totem.


      Tue Oct 11 15:38:36 2005: Modified by fgerlits

      • status changed from new to assigned

      Tue Oct 11 17:40:23 2005: Modified by doug

        Sebastian has been able to duplicate the problem, btw.

        In addition, this was the error message from the terminal, which was also from the other bug; I'm including it here too.

        (gLiveSupport:17409): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_bin_remove_func:

        assertion `GST_ELEMENT_PARENT (element) == (GstObject? *) bin' failed

        Tue Oct 11 18:32:32 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        • status changed from assigned to new
        • owner changed from fgerlits to sebastian

        The 1.0.1 deb packages are broken. The mad and ogg vorbis gst-elements were not compiled into gstreamer. The packages will need to be regenerated.

        Tue Oct 11 21:14:04 2005: Modified by sebastian

          time-estimate: 2h manpower (plus compile/upload time)

          Tue Oct 11 23:15:52 2005: Modified by maroy

            please provide a full (gross) time estimate, that involves all activities needed, in real time (time passed)

            Wed Oct 12 00:32:02 2005: Modified by sebastian

            • resolution set to fixed
            • status changed from new to closed

            This issue as it is is fixed now.

            But I suggest to implement checks for needet packages.

            consumed time (roundet): - download tarballs from sourceforge: 1/2 h - install missing dev.-packages: 1/2 h - Ferenc´s double check: some minutes I guess - talking to Ferenc and figure out how to take the version to 1.0.1-2: 15 min. - compile run: 3h - upload to sourceforge and publish sources: 45 min.

            Wed Oct 12 09:36:56 2005: Modified by maroy

              does this mean, that mad and vorbis were missing from the build-dependencies in the debian control file? if so, we should add them...

              Wed Oct 12 10:44:08 2005: Modified by fgerlits

                They are in the control file, but for some reason dpkg does not care if they are missing, and builds the packages anyway. I have noticed this earlier, too.

                Mon Nov 21 12:12:14 2005: Modified by douglas

                • resolution cleared
                • status changed from closed to reopened

                Mon Nov 21 12:14:47 2005: Modified by douglas

                  The same problem has returned in the 1.0.2 Debian packages. libmad and libogg are missing from the gstreamer elements.

                  Tue Nov 22 20:04:40 2005: Modified by sebastian

                  • status changed from reopened to new
                  • owner changed from sebastian to akos

                  Add/Change #1487 (LS Studio: Audio player error on file playback)

                  Change Properties
