Wed Oct 5 12:02:10 2005

Ticket #1496

RSS support (PodCasting)

Priority: normal Reporter: maroy
Severity: minor Assigned to: maroy
Component: scheduler server Status: new
Version: 1.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords:  

Description by maroy:

related to #690 (rendering a playlist to an audio file) and #839* (proper playlog)

based on the playlog, all played playlists could be renderred, and the log results published as an RSS feed. this would enable PodCasting? as such.

problems: PodCasting? is not really defined (there is no real spec), thus sample PodCasting? clients are needed for extensive testing, to see if the RSS generated in good enough...



Sun Nov 6 13:14:33 2005: Modified by maroy

    some other uses of RSS feeds:

    • have selective RSS feeds (see smart playlists #544 for a filtering mechanism)
    • use RSS feeds for notification for "what's new / changes"

    Tue Nov 8 10:35:30 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

      I found a podcast makers forum about software including some howto's topic's.

      Tue Nov 8 10:49:03 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

        Some are naming adam as the podfather, but without collaborations with RSS developer Dave he's not there.

        Tue Nov 8 11:48:09 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

          Tristan Louis about RSS

          Tue Nov 8 12:13:57 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

            The team about RSS syndication, resource discovery formats index


            Tue Nov 8 13:17:49 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

              And the rss-dev mailing list message index


              Tue Nov 8 13:39:36 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

                rss-software about publishing software, specifications and more ...


                Tue Nov 8 14:27:00 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

                  A good example of a audio sharing network for radio is be, but it's still not open sourced.

                  about prx

                  Tue Nov 8 14:53:33 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

                    PRX is a web-based service for distribution, review, and licensing of radio content. PRX brings new voices to new audiences, creates a fair market for creative radio, and helps radio stations assemble diverse and exceptional programming. PRX is a collaboration of the Station Resource Group ( and Atlantic Public Media (, with support from public radio stations and producers, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Ford Foundation, NTIA's Technology Opportunities Program, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur? Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and the Surdna Foundation.

                    Tue Nov 8 15:38:41 2005: Modified by fransman <[email protected]>

                      The paper

                      Add/Change #1496 (RSS support (PodCasting))

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