Wed Oct 5 12:14:29 2005

Ticket #1497

document the storage server communication use cases

Priority: normal Reporter: maroy
Severity: minor Assigned to: tomash
Component: End-user Documentation Status: new
Version: 1.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.1 Keywords:  

Description by maroy:

please document the storage server communication typical uses cases. see doc/model/LocalStorage? and doc/model/MediaArchive?

as I understand, since the original design, there has been a lot of changes to the storage server API. one can access playlists and audio files in a number of different ways - there are multiple locking mechanisms, etc.

please document all the relevant uses cases for accessing the storage server, and make sure that all XML-RPC functions are listed in the design documentation (with a very brief overview of what they do).

this should be a documentation that would enable an outsider to write a client application accessing the storage.

if need help on writing use cases, using Poseidon, I'm more than glad to give a hand...



Sun Oct 9 02:59:56 2005: Modified by tomash

    Estimate: ? couple of days (incl. learning Poseidon)

    Add/Change #1497 (document the storage server communication use cases)

    Change Properties
