Wed Oct 26 20:30:10 2005

Ticket #1522 (assigned)

GUI crashes on resize

Priority: normal Reporter: sebastian
Severity: minor Assigned to: fgerlits (accepted)
Component: gLiveSupport Status: assigned
Version: 1.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords:  

Description by sebastian:

If I try to resize those GUI windows without frame, the application chrashes in the moment i click the arrows in the lower-right corner.

Message on shell: Gdk-ERROR **: file gdkwindow-x11.c: line 5498 (create_moveresize_window): assertion failed: (mv_resize->moveresize_emulation_window == NULL) aborting... /opt/livesupport/bin/ line 57: 1625 Abgebrochen $gLiveSupport_exe -c $config_file



Thu Oct 27 14:35:18 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    Try now. I am almost, but not completely sure that it has not been fixed.

    Fri Oct 28 14:36:27 2005: Modified by sebastian

      Oh, how can I recompile just the needet part?

      I tryed to figure out little bit more, maybee those information can help: - If I run gLiveSupport on genome, resizing works fine. - If I run it on debian system (XF-86), but without any windows manager, it crashes. On the other hand, moving the windows pressing mouse on whithe background and move, this works. - If the display is on windows, using the windows manager coming with the xserver, it crashes. - If display is on windows and running gnome-wm on debian, it is fine. - If display is on windows and running mwm on windows, it crashes.

      Fri Oct 28 16:46:49 2005: Modified by maroy

        to recompile, go to products/gLiveSupport, and say:

        make clean all

        Sat Oct 29 10:38:41 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        • status changed from new to assigned
        • owner changed from ferenc to fgerlits

        Yes, the gtk+ Gdk::Window::begin_move_drag() function does two different things depending on whether the wm "supports the net wm moveresize hint", whatever that means. The crash occurs in the branch where it doesn't.

        At the moment, resizing

        • works fine under gnome;
        • does not work (but does not crash either, just does nothing) under kde;
        • crashes under other wm's (all of them so far that we tried).

        I'm working on it, but as I don't know what's wrong, I have no idea how long it will take.

        Sat Oct 29 10:58:30 2005: Modified by fgerlits

          This is the message that the wm may or may not support.

          Add/Change #1522 (GUI crashes on resize)

          Change Properties
