Wed Nov 30 13:39:42 2005

Ticket #1554

CD mounting does not work on the installed version of the live CD

Priority: normal Reporter: fgerlits
Severity: major Assigned to: douglas
Component: LS-Knoppix Install CD Status: new
Version: 1.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.0.x Keywords:  

Description by fgerlits:

On the installed version of the Knoppix live CD, automounting of CDs does not work. I have not even been able to manually mount a CD.

There is a link /mnt/cdrom -> /mnt/auto/cdrom, but there is nothing at /mnt/auto/cdrom.

There is a link /dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdc, but when I try

# mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/auto/cdrom

(or any other directory), I get the message

mount: /dev/hdc is not a valid block device



Thu Dec 1 15:17:52 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    Found a workaround: su to root, edit /etc/lilo.conf, and delete "hdc=scsi" (might as well delete all of them, from hda to hdh, if you have no SCSI devices). Re-install lilo with

    # lilo -C /etc/lilo.conf

    (ignore irrelevant error messages) and reboot. CD writing will probably not work, but CD reading and automounting should.

    Thu Dec 1 15:26:38 2005: Modified by maroy

      actuall it will, just specify the device for cdrecord directly:

      cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc <other paramters...>

      Sat Dec 3 13:09:19 2005: Modified by maroy

      • milestone changed from 1.1 to 1.0.x

      Add/Change #1554 (CD mounting does not work on the installed version of the live CD)

      Change Properties
