Thu Dec 1 11:29:24 2005

Ticket #1555 (Closed: invalid)

storageServer development environment not set up properly

Priority: normal Reporter: maroy
Severity: minor Assigned to: tomash
Component: development environment Status: closed
Version: 1.1 Resolution: invalid
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords:  

Description by maroy:

when running livesupport/bin/ in the trunk, I get the following:

make: Entering directory `/home/darkeye/src/livesupport/livesupport/src/modules/storageServer'
./../../tools/pear/bin/ -d /home/darkeye/src/livesupport/livesupport/usr
Configuring PEAR packages needed by LiveSupport
 (with destdir: /home/darkeye/src/livesupport/livesupport/usr)
Installing PEAR packages needed by LiveSupport to directory:
 Archive_Tar: upgrading to Archive_Tar-1.3.1 OK
 Console_Getopt: upgrading to Console_Getopt-1.2 OK
 XML_RPC: upgrading to XML_RPC-1.4.4 OK
 PEAR: upgrading to PEAR-1.3.5 OK
 Calendar: upgrading to Calendar-0.5.2 OK
 DB: upgrading to DB-1.7.6 OK
 File: upgrading to File-1.2.0 OK
 File_Find: upgrading to File_Find-0.3.1 OK
 HTML_Common: upgrading to HTML_Common-1.2.1 OK
 HTML_QuickForm: upgrading to HTML_QuickForm-3.2.5 OK
 XML_Util: upgrading to XML_Util-1.1.1 OK
 XML_Parser: upgrading to XML_Parser-1.2.6 OK
 XML_Beautifier: upgrading to XML_Beautifier-1.1 OK
 XML_Serializer: upgrading to XML_Serializer-0.15.0 OK
Install of PEAR packages needed by LiveSupport finished OK.
bin/ ./var/stor ./var/access ./var/trans ./var/stor/buffer
#StorageServer step 1:
# root URL: http://localhost:80/~darkeye/livesupport/storageServer/var
root URL is not accessible - configure HTTP entry point, please
make: *** [dir_setup] Error 22
make: Leaving directory `/home/darkeye/src/livesupport/livesupport/src/modules/storageServer'



Thu Dec 1 12:51:12 2005: Modified by maroy

  • resolution set to invalid
  • status changed from new to closed

well, the problem was, that in the general apache config file, the following was missing for userdirs:

AllowOverride? Options

and thus it confliced with the .htaccess files in the source tree

maybe the could be documented somehow though...

Thu Dec 1 13:12:22 2005: Modified by tomash

    Good news, because have run without errors to me and I haven't found yet anything that can cause the error above.

    Documentation updated ([1849])

    Add/Change #1555 (storageServer development environment not set up properly)

    Change Properties
