Fri Dec 9 16:34:17 2005

Ticket #1561

breezy issues

Priority: none Reporter: fgerlits
Severity: minor Assigned to: maroy
Component: packaging Status: new
Version: 1.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords:  

Description by fgerlits:

Installing on Ubuntu breezy is problematic. If we make an ubuntu package, the following issues need to be taken care of; in the meantime, we can put fixes of the debian package here in this ticket.



Fri Dec 9 17:30:20 2005: Modified by fgerlits

  • description changed.
  • summary changed from breezy postgresql issues to breezy issues

Problem: Postgresql files are in strange places.

  • the init script is called postgresql-7.4 instead of postgresql
  • the config files are in /etc/postgresql/7.4/main instead of /etc/postgresql

Solution: make a soft link postgresql -> postgresql-7.4 in /etc/init.d, and edit the two config files postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf in /etc/postgresql/7.4/main as described in the documentation.

Sat Dec 10 15:05:41 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    Problem: The issue (see #756) happens here, too.

    Solution: See the (Wed Nov 9 21:34:24 2005: Modified by [email protected]) entry at #756.

    Sat Dec 10 17:35:37 2005: Modified by fgerlits

      (Not specifically a breezy issue.)

      Problem: the initial values of the audio devices in Studio are "/dev/dsp1" and "/dev/dsp2". If the computer does not have 3 sound cards, this will lead to a crash.

      Solution: edit /opt/livesupport/etc/gLiveSupport.xml, and replace both device names with "/dev/dsp". Note that this will only work if you have Alsa installed, plus Alsa OSS emulation. (Plain OSS does not allow several players to share the same device.)

      Wed Dec 14 20:43:47 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        Sebastian sez:

        Problem description:

        1. Ubuntu uses other path/setup for postgresql. The config files are in /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/
        2. The postgresql.conf forces to use ssl and avoid using tcpip connections
        3. The postgresql startup script is named differently
        4. Ubuntu uses PHP5 as standard version. The control-file does not take care to install php5-pgsql

        Manual solution:

        0. Prepare to install LiveSupport

        • First you need to remove comments in front of these lines in /etc/apt/sources.list:
          deb breezy universe
          deb-src breezy universe
        • Add the line
          deb sarge main

        to the same file

        • If you have good internet connectivity, comment out the cdrom source in first line; if you don't, put in the ubuntu cdrom
        • Do an "apt-get update" to retrieve the list of additional packages
        • Start installing livesupport with all dependencies by typing "apt-get install livesupport-studio"

        This will install all needed packages, but breaks because of above problems.

        1.-2. Open /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf, add "tcpip_socket=true" and comment out "sll = true"

        3. start /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 manually

        4. install php5-pgsql: "apt-get install php5-pgsql"

        Last step should complete install of LiveSupport too.

        I tested this with an clean, brand new minimal installation of Ubuntu, without any additional package.

        [you can also use synaptic instead of the apt-get commands -- ferenc]

        Thu Dec 15 10:32:48 2005: Modified by fgerlits

          From the support list:

          Author: mklsbd
          I would like to add to this post that the Postgresql problem you mention 
          there is on Debian distributions too. I followed all the steps to change 
          the configuration file and seems to work well.

          [this refers to Debian testing/unstable; so ubuntu inherited it from there -- ferenc]

          Mon Dec 19 15:58:23 2005: Modified by fvanberckel

            With Boost ill get

            skipping Boost.Python library build due to missing or incorrect configuration, couldn't find Python.h in "/usr/local/include/python2.2". Its in /usr/include and version 2.4


            tmp/boost_1_31_0/boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp:92:7: warning: #warning "Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results"

            Mon Dec 19 17:41:09 2005: Modified by fvanberckel

              About skipping Boost.Python library build, found --with-python-root[=PYTHON_ROOT] and --with-python-version[=2.4] but more or less got to do with a old version of lib boost.


              Tue Dec 20 08:21:20 2005: Modified by maroy

                fransman: that's totally OK, you'll get these warnings on other distros as well (and we don't use python anyway)

                Add/Change #1561 (breezy issues)

                Change Properties
