Thu Dec 15 11:18:30 2005

Ticket #1568

Making LiveSupport use alsa.

Priority: normal Reporter: [email protected]
Severity: crash Assigned to: fgerlits
Component: gLiveSupport Status: new
Version: 1.0.2 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.0.2 Keywords:  

Description by [email protected]:

I've tred the "hw:0,0" and "plughw:0" in place of the "/dev/dsp*" I don't know which one is right as they both produce same effect. You try to play a file in live mode or scratch pad. And the studio program disappears.

Any Ideas why? Is this a bug?



Thu Dec 15 12:41:43 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    This is a bug, but this is not a bug report. :)

    Please describe how you installed LiveSupport (CVS, tarball, package, live CD), what platform you are using, exactly what you were doing when the crash occurred, whether you can always reproduce the crash by a certain sequence of steps, etc.

    You can also try starting the app from a console:

    $ /opt/livesupport/bin/

    and tell us what error messages get printed before the crash. Thanks!

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