Mon Dec 19 16:14:46 2005

Ticket #1570 (Closed: fixed)

2 x CXXUNIT in the main Makefile

Priority: normal Reporter: fvanberckel
Severity: minor Assigned to: maroy
Component: development environment Status: closed
Version: 1.0.x Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0.2 Keywords:  

Description by fvanberckel:

I've got CXXUNIT two time's in the main makefile at tools_setup. Just before boost and after it.



Mon Dec 19 16:44:10 2005: Modified by fvanberckel

  • description changed.
  • summary changed from 2x CXXUNIT in the main Makefile to 2 x CXXUNIT in the main Makefile
  • version changed from 1.0.2 to 1.0.x

Tue Dec 20 08:27:41 2005: Modified by maroy

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from new to closed


fixed in [1865] and [1867]

Add/Change #1570 (2 x CXXUNIT in the main Makefile)

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