Sat Dec 24 12:43:12 2005

Ticket #1582

playlist import and export UC-5 UC-6

Priority: normal Reporter: maroy
Severity: feature Assigned to: tomash
Component: storage server Status: new
Version: 1.1 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.1.0 Leon Keywords:  

Description by maroy:

Enable import and export of playlists see wiki:UC-5 and wiki:UC-6



Sat Dec 24 12:59:20 2005: Modified by maroy

  • summary changed from playlist import and export to playlist import and export UC-5 UC-6

Mon Jan 16 11:55:36 2006: Modified by maroy

    because of #1581*, it would be desirabe to have an XML-RPC call, that accepts a list of playlist IDs, and returns a single archive containing an export of all these playlists (and all included audio items).

    Tue Jan 17 14:45:22 2006: Modified by tomash

      Yes - good idea.
      The interface will be the similar client/server dialog as with accessRawAudioData/releaseRawAudioData methods - i.e. XMLRPC methods preparePlaylistExport and releasePlaylistExport. Between calls to these methods there would exist HTTP-downloadable URL with the result archive.

      Estimate: ~3 days

      Add/Change #1582 (playlist import and export UC-5 UC-6)

      Change Properties
