Sat Dec 24 12:45:20 2005

Ticket #1583 (assigned)

preferences pallette UC-7

Priority: normal Reporter: maroy
Severity: feature Assigned to: fgerlits (accepted)
Component: gLiveSupport Status: assigned
Version: 1.0 Resolution:  
Milestone: 1.1.0 Leon Keywords:  

Description by maroy:

Provide a nice UI for setting all possible system preferences. see wiki:UC-7



Sat Dec 24 12:58:57 2005: Modified by maroy

  • summary changed from preferences pallette to preferences pallette UC-7

Tue Jan 3 20:16:55 2006: Modified by fgerlits

  • status changed from new to assigned

added first version of the window: [1875]

Wed Jan 25 14:02:14 2006: Modified by fgerlits


    wiki:UC-7.1 (Sound card config) -- partly done; need to do: play test sound [2 days]; nice to have: detection and restriction of sound card options [don't know how to do; say 1 week]

    wiki:UC-7.2 (Scheduler start/stop) -- this is not clear, as currently the assumption is that the GUI does not start if the scheduler is not running. Do we want to change that? [2 - 3 days]

    wiki:UC-7.3 (Mass import) -- I can run Tomas's script from the GUI (is that what we want?) [1 day]; if some files need to be ignored, this script needs to have the appropriate command line switches.

    wiki:UC-7.4 (Database backup/restore) -- for backup/restore now: I can run Tomas's script from the GUI (is that what we want?) [1 day]; for scheduled backup [don't know how to do; say 3 - 4 days]

    wiki:UC-7.5 (File restrictions) -- do we want these to work across c++ UI / html UI / command line? In that case, we need to figure out how to do it. If it's OK to have separate lists for c++ and html, then [2 - 3 days]

    wiki:UC-7.6 (Archive of broadcast) -- if this means to display the play log that we already collect [2 days]; if it means something else, you'll need to explain to me better [at least 1 week].

    So... min: 10 days, max: 5 weeks or more.

    Add/Change #1583 (preferences pallette UC-7)

    Change Properties
