Wed Jan 25 11:10:57 2006

Ticket #1598 (Closed: fixed)

LiveSupport don't want to play playlists, and ogg files.

Priority: normal Reporter: kotyo
Severity: major Assigned to: maroy
Component: scheduler server Status: closed
Version: 1.0.2 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords: playlist scheduler

Description by kotyo:


I've just tried LiveSupport. I built it from an ebuild version 1.0.2. When I want to play a playlist, or an ogg file, the gLiveSupport send me the next message:

can't open URL file:///usr/var/LiveSupport/storageServer/var/../../storageServer/var/access/35372753652bb3b2.ogg

But the file is exist on the given path, and i can play it with mplayer.

When i try to play a playlist both from gLiveSupport and the web interface the scheduler sends this message:

can't open URL file:///usr/tmp/webStorageClient58d2f4ffa534df0b-1948325143.smil

But this file is exists too.

thanks, kotyo.



Wed Jan 25 11:26:23 2006: Modified by maroy

    the most probable cause is that you don't have appropriate gstreamer plugins installed.

    let's take a look at mp3 support first. do you have media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad installed? if so, what version?

    also, what does the following say:

    gst-inspect-0.8 | grep mad

    and if you try the following with an mp3 file, does it play?

    gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location=/foo/bar.mp3 ! mad ! alsasink

    Wed Jan 25 12:01:47 2006: Modified by kotyo

      media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad is installed, version: 0.8.10-r1

      # gst-inspect-0.8 | grep mad
      mad: mad: mad mp3 decoder
      mad: id3demux: id3 tag extractor
      mad: id3mux: id3 muxer
      mad: id3tag: id3 tag extractor
      mad: id3demuxbin: ID3-demux bin

      gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location=/foo/bar.mp3 ! mad ! osssink
      I tried it with osssink, i use oss only. It works.

      Wed Jan 25 12:37:10 2006: Modified by maroy

      • status changed from new to assigned


      and how does your gLiveSupport config file look like? it should be in /usr/etc/gLiveSupport.xml. I'm especially interested in the following section:

                  <gstreamerPlayer audioDevice = "plughw:0,0" />
                  <gstreamerPlayer audioDevice = "plughw:0,0" />

      Wed Jan 25 12:49:40 2006: Modified by anonymous

        In my /usr/etc/gLiveSupport.xml:

                    <gstreamerPlayer audioDevice = "/dev/dsp" />
                    <gstreamerPlayer audioDevice = "/dev/dsp" />

        Wed Jan 25 12:50:32 2006: Modified by kotyo

          sorry it was me.

          Wed Jan 25 16:31:40 2006: Modified by maroy

            this looks OK.

            when you're trying to play an mp3 file from gLiveSupport, what does it do?

            is anything else working on /dev/dsp at that time?

            Wed Jan 25 17:00:21 2006: Modified by kotyo

              In gLiveSupport mp3 playing works good. But it don't play ogg files and playlists. No there isn't any other application uses /dev/dsp.

              Wed Jan 25 17:14:43 2006: Modified by maroy

                so, mp3 playing works, but it doesn't work with playlists having only mp3 files?

                say, if you have a playlist with a single mp3 file in it?

                if it doesn't play, what does it say?

                Wed Jan 25 17:33:11 2006: Modified by kotyo

                  Yes mp3 playing works, but doesn't work with playlists having only mp3 files.

                  If i want to play a playlist with only an mp3 file, it doesn't play, and sais:

                  can't open URL file:///usr/tmp/webStorageClient58d2f4ffa534df0b-1948325143.smil

                  But this file is exists on the given path.

                  Thu Jan 26 12:42:04 2006: Modified by maroy

                    did you have gstreamer emerged before emerging livesupport?

                    what does the following say?

                    gst-inspect-0.8 | grep smil

                    Thu Jan 26 16:33:07 2006: Modified by kotyo

                      Yes i did.

                      gst-inspect-0.8 | grep smil


                      typefindfunctions: application/smil: smil

                      Thu Jan 26 16:41:42 2006: Modified by maroy

                        ok, here's the problem: the gstreamer element handling SMIL content is missing. the output should have been:

                        minimalaudiosmil:  minimalaudiosmil: MinimalAudioSmil
                        typefindfunctions: application/smil: smil

                        hm. is there a file called in your livesupport package? say, what does the following say:

                        equery files | grep minimalaudiosmil

                        or has such a file been installed anywhere on your system?

                        Thu Jan 26 16:44:17 2006: Modified by maroy

                          sorry, I meant:

                          equery files livesupport | grep minimalaudiosmil

                          Fri Jan 27 12:05:36 2006: Modified by kotyo

                            Yes i have a in my /usr/lib. I tried to reinstall gstreamer and gstreamer-plugins with the livesupport ebuild, by unmergeing the gstreamer packages, and emergeing the livesupport, but it doesn't work. Now

                            gst-inspect-0.8 | grep smil

                            says nothing.

                            Mon Jan 30 12:41:49 2006: Modified by kotyo

                            • resolution set to fixed
                            • status changed from assigned to closed


                            I have the key. The next 2 command:

                            cp /usr/lib/liblive* /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.8/

                            solved my problem.

                            Thanks for help.

                            Add/Change #1598 (LiveSupport don't want to play playlists, and ogg files.)

                            Change Properties
