Fri Feb 17 12:06:37 2006

Ticket #1617 (Closed: fixed)

Make keyboard shortcuts customizable from the GUI

Priority: normal Reporter: fgerlits
Severity: minor Assigned to: fgerlits
Component: gLiveSupport Status: closed
Version: 1.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.1.0 Leon Keywords:  

Description by fgerlits:

The OptionsWindow? should have a tab for changing the keyboard shortcut assignments.



Thu Mar 2 18:12:46 2006: Modified by fgerlits

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from new to closed

Fixed -- see [1909], [1923], [1925], [1927], [1933], [1935] and [1936].

Add/Change #1617 (Make keyboard shortcuts customizable from the GUI)

Change Properties
